渠鴻竹博士和華盛頓大學美國國立衛生研究院西北注釋表觀基因組繪圖中心主任、華盛頓大學基因組學系副教授John A. Stamatoyannopoulis博士所實驗室的工作人員通過近三年研究,采用基于新一代高通量測序平臺的染色質免疫沉淀測序技術(ChIP-Seq),獲得了12種人類正常細胞和7種腫瘤細胞在全基因組水平的CTCF結合模式圖譜。通過系統的生物信息學比較分析發現:64%的CTCF結合位點至少在一種細胞中不結合CTCF。尤為重要的是,這些特異的位點結合模式可以將正常細胞與腫瘤細胞區分開來。

Widespread plasticity in CTCF occupancy linked to DNA methylation
CTCF is a ubiquitously expressed regulator of fundamental genomic processes including transcription, intra- and interchromosomal interactions, and chromatin structure. Because of its critical role in genome function, CTCF binding patterns have long been assumed to be largely invariant across different cellular environments. Here we analyze genome-wide occupancy patterns of CTCF by ChIP-seq in 19 diverse human cell types, including normal primary cells and immortal lines. We observed highly reproducible yet surprisingly plastic genomic binding landscapes, indicative of strong cell-selective regulation of CTCF occupancy. Comparison with massively parallel bisulfite sequencing data indicates that 41% of variable CTCF binding is linked to differential DNA methylation, concentrated at two critical positions within the CTCF recognition sequence. Unexpectedly, CTCF binding patterns were markedly different in normal versus immortal cells, with the latter showing widespread disruption of CTCF binding associated with increased methylation. Strikingly, this disruption is accompanied by up-regulation of CTCF expression, with the result that both normal and immortal cells maintain the same average number of CTCF occupancy sites genome-wide. These results reveal a tight linkage between DNA methylation and the global occupancy patterns of a major sequence-specific regulatory factor.