干細胞因子受體C-KIT是一種癌蛋白,在造血干細胞、肺干細胞、胃腸間質細胞等的生存、增殖和抗凋亡過程中發揮重要作用。C-KIT的突變或表達過高,與M2型急性髓性白血病和胃腸間質瘤等惡性腫瘤的發生關系密切。但是, C-KIT如何使癌細胞逃避凋亡的機制仍不清楚,針對C-KIT開展有效的靶向療法也須進一步研究。
主要研究肺癌、白血病等腫瘤發病機理,剖析腫瘤基因組異常和分子基礎,進而研發靶向療法篩選治療藥物。曾利用生物化學的方法,系統地闡明了抗白血病中藥復方君、臣、佐、使聯合應用產生低毒作用的分子機理,報道中藥提取物冬凌草甲素可降解AML1-ETO融合蛋白,在體外、體內均可產生顯著的抗白血病作用而不引起明顯的毒副作用,得到學術界的高度評價。迄今在Blood、PNAS、PLoS Medicine、PLoS ONE、Hematology等雜志上發表20多篇論文,申請10項,其中7項已獲得。
Bortezomib interferes with C-KIT processing and transforms the t(8;21)-generated fusion proteins into tumor-suppressing fragments in leukemia cells
The boronic acid dipeptide bortezomib inhibits the chymotrypsin-like activity of the 26S proteasome and shows significant therapeutic efficacy in multiple myeloma. However, recent studies suggest that bortezomib may have more complex mechanisms of action in treating cancer. We report here that the endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of the receptor tyrosine kinase C-KIT are required for bortezomib- but not tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib-caused apoptosis of t(8;21) leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells, suggesting that C-KIT may recruit an apoptosis initiator. We show that C-KIT binds and phosphorylates heat shock protein 90β (Hsp90β), which sequestrates apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (Apaf-1). Bortezomib dephosphorylates pHsp90β and releases Apaf-1. Although the activated caspase-3 is not sufficient to cause marked apoptosis, it cleaves the t(8;21) generated acute myeloid leukemia 1-eight twenty one (AML1-ETO) and AML1-ETO9a fusion proteins, with production of cleavage fragments that perturb the functions of the parental oncoproteins and further contribute to apoptosis. Notably, bortezomib exerts potent therapeutic efficacy in mice bearing AML1-ETO9a–driven leukemia. These data show that C-KIT-pHsp90β-Apaf-1 cascade is critical for some malignant cells to evade apoptosis, and the clinical therapeutic potentials of bortezomib in C-KIT–driven neoplasms should be further explored.