Diaphragm Seal Pressure Gauge
Brief Introduction
This pressure meter is principally used to test normal pressure meters or accuray measure the pressure and vacuum of such liquids, gases, or vapors that has no erosive attack on copper and copper alloy. It is widely used in fine measurement in industrial production process and adopted by scientific experiment laboratories or other sectors.
For stainless steel precision pressure meter, based on normal precision pressure meter, the pressure connecting system and its outer housing is made of stainless steel, used to measure pressure or negative pressure of various gas or vapor mediums in technological processes with higher requirements of corrosion resistance.
YB-150 model pressure meter produced by this factory is build with a mirror mounted on reading device, making value reading more accurate and clearer. For YB-150A type, a nulling device (shock resistance locking gear) is equipped so as to facilitate clients use.
As shock resistance precision pressure meter is filled with damping liquid and supported with shock reducer, good capacity of shock resistance is obtained accordingly. In such occasions or places as measure pressures of tested mediums with violent changes of pulse or pressure attack, or in production technological process with sudden release of load, or environments with stronger vibration, the shock resisting precision pressure meter is capable to perform fine measurement.
主要技術指標 Main Technoiogy Data

型號表示 Model Medns
標記示例:YZOB-150A-ZT 0.4級電腦編碼為
Mark example: the 0.4 class product computer code for YZBO-150A-ZT is .
Pressure vacuum precision meter for oxygen, with nominal diameter of 150mm and nulling device (Shock Proof locking device), is mounted with a dial in axial front or axial. For further information on computer code, please see the “Guide for type selection of precision series instruments and meters".
規格 Specifcations

結構原理 Configuration Principle
Configuration principle
This instrument comprises of indicating part of measuring system and outer housing. With its good leakproofness and sealing device based on examination, its interior measuring gear is prevented from mechanical damage and invasion of dirty objects.
The action principle of this instrument is based on deformation of elastic cell (spring pipe in the measuring system). Under the pressure affect of tested medium, corresponding deformation displacement are generated by the end of spring pipe. Through the transmission and amplification by tension rod of the gear transmitting device, the value of such deformation is indicated on scale by the needle fixed on the axle of the gear.
外形尺寸 Overall Dimensions
單位 mm

型號model | 接口尺寸 |
Y-100系列 | M20×1.5;G1/2;1/4NPT;1/2NPT |
Y-150系列 |
Min value of pitch line
For customized special meter dial,
clear notes shall be made on the order.
壓力值 Pressure date | 精確度等級(Accuracy) |
0.4 | 0.3 | 0.16 |
0~0.1 | 0.0005 | 0 | 0 |
~0.16 | 0.001 | 0 | 0 |
~0.25 | 0.002 | 0 | 0 |
~0.4 | 0.002 | 0 | 0 |
~0.6 | 0.0005 | 0 | 0 |
~1 | 0.005 | 0 | 0 |
~1.6 | 0.01 | 0 | 0 |
~2.5 | 0.02 | 0 | 0.01 |
~4 | 0.02 | 0 | 0.01 |
~6 | 0.005 | 0 | 0.01 |
~10 | 0.05 | 0.1 | 0.02 |
~16 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.02 |
~25 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.05 |
~40 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 |
~60 | 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.1 |
~100 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.2 |
真空值:-0.1~0 | 0.0005 | 0 | - |
| | | | | |

| 名稱 | 材質 | 備注 |
敏感元件(彈簧管型式) | C型管 | 錫磷青銅 | -0;0-0.1;0-0.16;0-0.25;0-0.4;0-0.6;0-1;0-1.6;0-2.5;0-4;0-6; |
C型管 | 鉻釩鋼 | 0-10;0-16;0-25;0-40;0-60;0~100 |
接液材質 | 銅、316不銹鋼 | |
外殼 | 鑄鋁、304不銹鋼 | |
產品電腦編碼 | 型號 | 產品名稱 |
| YB-150 | |
| YB-150 | 精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| YB-150A | 調零精密壓力表 0.4級 |
| YB-150A | 調零精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| YB-150ZT | 軸向前邊精密壓力表 0.4級 |
| YB-150ZT | 軸向前邊精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| YB-150A-ZT | 調零軸向前邊精密壓力表 0.4級 |
| YB-150A-ZT | 調零軸向前邊精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| ZB-150 | 精密真空表 0.4級 |
| ZB-150 | 精密真空表 0.25級 |
| ZB-150A | 調零精密真空表 0.4級 |
| ZB-150A | 調零精密真空表 0.25級 |
| ZB-150Z | 軸向精密真空表 0.4級 |
| ZB-150Z | 軸向精密真空表 0.25級 |
| ZB-150ZT | 軸向前邊調零精密真空表 0.4級 |
| ZB-150ZT | 軸向前邊調零精密真空表 0.25級 |
| YZB-150A-Z | 軸向調零精密壓力真空表 0.4級 |
| YZB-150A-Z | 軸向調零精密壓力真空表 0.25級 |
| YZB-150A-ZT | 軸向前邊調零精密壓力真空表 0.4級 |
| YZB-150A-ZT | 軸向前邊調零精密壓力真空表 0.25級 |
| YB-150B | 不銹鋼精密壓力表 0.4級 |
| YB-150B | 不銹鋼精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| YB-150B-Z | 軸向不銹鋼精密表 0.4級 |
| YB-150B-ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| ZB-150B | 不銹鋼精密真空表 0.4級 |
| ZB-150B | 不銹鋼精密真空表 0.25級 |
| ZB-150B-ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼精密真空表0.4級 |
| ZB-150B-ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼精密真空表0.25級 |
| YZB-150B | 不銹鋼精密壓力真空表0.4級 |
| YZB-150B | 不銹鋼精密壓力真空表0.25級 |
| YZB-150B-ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼精密壓力真空表 0.4級 |
| YZB-150B-ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼精密壓力真空表0.25級 |
| YBN-150 | 耐震精密壓力表0.4機 |
| YBN-150 | 耐震精密壓力表0.25級 |
| YBN-150B | 不銹鋼耐震精密壓力表 0.4級 |
| YBN-150B | 不銹鋼耐震精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| YBN-150B-ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼耐震精密壓力表0.4級 |
| YBN-150B-ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼耐震精密壓力表0.25級 |
| ZBN-150 | 不銹鋼耐震精密真空表0.4級 |
| ZBN-150 | 不銹鋼耐震精密真空表0.25級 |
| ZBN-150ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼耐震精密真空表0.4級 |
| ZBN-150ZT | 軸向前邊不銹鋼耐震精密真空表0.25級 |
| YZBN-150 | 耐震精密壓力真空表 0.4級 |
| YZBN-150 | 耐震精密壓力真空表 0.25級 |
| YZBN-150ZT | 軸向前邊耐震精密壓力真空表 0.4級 |
| YZBN-150ZT | 軸向前邊耐震精密壓力真空表0.25級 |
| YBO-150 | 氧氣精密壓力表0.4級 |
| YBO-150 | 氧氣精密壓力表0.25級 |
| YBO-150A | 調零氧氣精密壓力表0.4級 |
| YBO-150A | 調零氧氣精密壓力表 0.25級 |
| YBO-150ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密壓力表0.4級 |
| YBO-150A-ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密壓力表0.25級 |
| ZBO-150 | 氧氣精密真空表0.4級 |
| ZBO-150 | 氧氣精密真空表0.25級 |
| ZBO-150A | 調零氧氣精密真空表0.4級 |
| ZBO-150A | 調零氧氣精密真空表0.25級 |
| ZBO-150ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密真空表0.4級 |
| ZBO-150ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密真空表0.25級 |
| ZBO-150A-ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密壓力真空表0.4級 |
| ZBO-150A-ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密壓力真空表0.25級 |
| YZBO-150 | 氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YZBO-150 | 氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YZBO-150A | 調零氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YZBO-150A | 調零氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YZBO-150ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YZBO-150ZT | 軸向前邊氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YZBO-150A-ZT | 軸向前邊調零氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YZBO-150A-ZT | 軸向前邊調零氧氣精密壓力真空表 |
| YB-100 | 精密壓力表 0.4級 |
| ZB-100 | 精密真空表 0.4級 |
| YZB-100 | 精密壓力真空表 0.4級 |
Ordering instructions: The product computer code ,types, names, accuracy grades, and measuring ranges .must be clearly noted. In case of special requirements, technical requirements shall be clearly noted specifications on the back of the order on ordering goods.