The United States of America Europe can be imported steam regulating valve is driven by compressed air source, to the cylinder as the actuator, and with the aid of electrical valve position switch, the electromagnetic valve, and a converter valve and other accessories to drive the valve, realize the switch quantity or proportional adjustment, was named one of Europe's most recognized valve.
Steam regulating valve standard:
Nominal size: DN20~ 600
Nominal pressure: ANSI150LB ~ 1500LB
Connection: flange, welding
Application of temperature:46~ 380 C
Steam regulating valve maintenance:
When the regulating valve adopts graphite asbestos packing, approximay three months in the filler added a lubricating oil, to ensure that the regulating valve is flexible and easy to use. If the packing gland pressure too low, should complement fillers, such as found in Teflon B dry packing hardening, should be timely replacement; should be in the inspection tour in the operation of control valve, check valve position indicator and the regulator output is consistent; the positioner valve to always check the source, found problem timely treatment should be maintained; valve and components complete good health.
Origin: the United States of America
Brand: American Ou < OKE >
The United States of America OKE manufacturing standards: GB, American Standard, German standard.