用途 User 主要應用于空調系統中,保持供/回水管路間的壓差恒定,以提高系統效率及保障安全。 It is mainly used in the air conditioning system to keep the pressure differential between the supply and backwater pipes to improve the efficiency and safety of the system. 特點 Characteristic 安裝調試簡單,一旦調定好即可實現自動控制,省去了閥門傳感器及復雜的傳動執行機構,維修方便,不易出故障。 It is easy to install and debug. Once it is set up, automatic control can be achieved. The valve sensor and the complex transmission actuator are eliminated. The maintenance is convenient and the failure is not easy. 原理 Principle 導閥的兩個控制管分別與高壓源(供水管)和低壓源(回水管)聯接。當高低壓差大于設定值時導閥打開,主閥隨之打開,一部分高壓水通過800X直接流回回水管。壓差恢復后,ZF800X自動關閉。 The two control pipes of the pilot valve are connected with the high voltage source (water supply) and the low voltage source (back water pipe). When the high and low pressure difference is greater than the set value, the guide valve opens, the main valve opens, and a portion of the high pressure water flows back through the 800X direct flow back to the pipe. ZF800X is automatically closed after the differential pressure is restored. 執行標準 Executive standard 法蘭尺寸 Flange dimensions:GB/T 17241.6 試驗檢驗 Test test:GB/T 13927 安裝圖典型 Installation diagram
高能人以健全的管理體系,雄厚的技術,*的工藝、精良的設備、完善的檢測制度和全面快捷的售后服務,贏得了廣大用戶的信賴和好評,并成為中國石化工程建設公司合格供方、中石化設備資源市場成員、中石油天然氣集團一級供應網絡企業、國家電力公司電站配件供應成員廠、勝利石油物資銷售隊伍、機械工業閥門科技信息網成員、給水排水協會常務委員、通用機械閥門行業協會會員。 高能人遵循“建立體系、持續改進、確保質量、按期交貨、熱情服務、顧客滿意”的質量方針,本著“創新+質量+誠信+服務”的企業精神,高能人承諾:我們將以*的品質,合理的價格,齊全的品種和快捷的交貨期向廣大用戶提供優質的服務。
800X 壓差旁通閥 產品信息