oxoidL CM0139-Potato dextrose agar 馬鈴薯葡萄糖瓊脂 原裝現貨
產品名稱:Potato dextrose agar
貨號:oxoidL CM0139
A suitable medium for the isolation and count of yeasts and moulds in dairy products1 or those occurring on the surface of fresh meats, cured meats and sausage products and other foods 2. This medium is suitable for the detection and enumeration of heat resistant moulds in thermally processed fruits and fruit products 2.
Work carried out in cooperation with CSIRO Melbourne had shown that the minerals present in agar could influence the pigment formation of certain fungi. Where pigment production is a critical part of the identification of the fungus it is clearly important to stabilise this characteristic. The agar used in Potato Dextrose Agar is carefully screened to ensure correct pigment production by fungi such as Fusaria spp.
A suitable medium for the preparation of Aspergillus niger. Potato Dextrose Agar conforms to the parameters of the harmonised Microbial Limit Tests from EP/USP/JP (enumeration test)3,4,5,.
Additional information about this and other products in our harmonised range can be obtained by downloading our Harmonised Culture Media Portfolio.
After sterilising the reconstituted medium adjust the reaction to pH 3.5 by adding 1ml of Lactic Acid 10% (SR0021) to each 100ml of medium at 50°C. Do not reheat after acidification.Prepare dilute emulsions or suspensions of the product to be tested, make pour-plates in the usual manner, and incubate for 5 days at 21°C. Count the number of yeast and mould colonies.
If a non-selective medium is required, it is suggested that Potato Dextrose Agar may be used without added acid or, alternatively, one may use a general purpose mycological medium such as Malt Extract Agar (CM0059).
Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label.
Store the prepared medium at 2-8°C.
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