污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
張家港市杰恩特機械有限公司座落于江蘇長江之濱,東部沿海國家文明衛生城市—張家港市,地理位置*,東臨上海,西壤南京,南接江蘇的經濟腹地蘇、錫、常地區,水陸交通極為便捷。 杰恩特公司是一家集生產研制、技術服務、新品開發于一體的飲機制造專業企業,擁有的開發設計系統和經驗豐富的技術隊伍。主要產品有礦泉水、純凈水、汽水、果汁、茶飲料等成套生產線以及水處理設備等。產品并出口。 杰恩特公司將一如既往的恪守“、服務至上、"的營銷理念。不斷推陳出新、惠至每位客戶,為用戶提供全面的技術服務及支持,并誠摯地恭請社會各界朋友來公司指導洽談共展鴻圖。 ZhangJiaGang JieEnTe machinery manufacture co.,ltd. is located in the economy developed golden delta of the lower reaches of the Yangtse River,The company is with Shanghai in the east,with the Nanjing in the west,with the Suzhou,Wuxi and Changzhou in the south. The land and water transport is very convenient. JieEnTe company is aprofessional manufacturer which has produced drink machinery for a long time and possesses a high-quality staff team of technology manufacturing.Main production.They have rich experience of designing and manufacturing.Main production are sets of production equipment for mineral water,puru water,soda water,fruit juice,tea and others,water treatment equipment and etc. Its products are well sold in home and foreign markets. The company will obey its enterprise faith lead the trends,cereful service will always permit its business idea Prestige first,customers first will continuously provide its customers with high-quality equipment and complete its technological support,and warmly welcome new and old customers at home and abroad to inspect the company and talk about business with us.
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環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?