污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
序號 | 項 目 | 單 位 | 數 值 | 備注 |
1 | 運行鍋爐 | 臺 | 2 |
2 | 鍋爐出力 | t/h | 65 |
3 | 吸收塔 | 臺 | 2 |
4 | 吸收塔直徑 | m | 4 |
5 | 吸收塔漿池高度 | m | 5.7 |
6 | 吸收塔入口煙氣量 | m3/h | 150000(1臺爐) |
7 | 吸收塔入口煙氣含水量 | % | 30 |
8 | 吸收塔入口煙氣溫度 | ℃ | 140 |
9 | 吸收塔出口煙氣溫度 | ℃ | 46 |
10 | 吸收塔漿池漿液溫度 | ℃ | 46 |
11 | 吸收塔漿液循環管直徑 | mm | DN250 |
12 | 吸收塔入口SO2濃度(dry,6%O2) | mg/Nm3 | 1100 |
3.1 除霧器設計參數
表3.1-1 除霧器數據表 | |||||||
1. | Item No.項目編號 |
| ||||
2. | Equipment Name設備名稱 |
| Mist Eliminator除霧器 | ||||
3. | No. Required 需求數量 | In operation運行 | Sets 數量 | 2×2units | |||
| Stand-by備用 | sets 數量 | 0 | ||||
| Total總計 | Sets 數量 | 4 | ||||
4. | Purpose目的 |
| Mist elimination from desulfurized gas transferred from Absorber 除去煙氣脫硫排放時所夾帶的漿滴 | ||||
5. | Basic Design Conditions 基本設計條件 |
| ||||
| 1) Characteristics of Flue Gas 煙氣特性 |
| ||||
| (1) Flue gas name 煙氣名稱 |
| Desulfurized coal fired exhaust gas 經脫硫后的燃煤煙氣 | ||||
| (2) 塔入口煙氣量(wet) [max./min.] |
| ||||
| Maximum zui大值 | Nm3/h | 150000(110%) | ||||
| Minimum zui小值 | Nm3/h | 50000(30%) | ||||
| (3) Temperature 溫度 | ℃ | 46 | ||||
| (4) Pressure 壓力 | kPa?G | ±2000 | ||||
| (5) Expected gas composition 預期煙氣成分 |
| ||||
| H2O | (wet) | Vol% | 30 | |||
| O2 | (dry) | Vol% | 8.6 | |||
| CO2 | (dry) | Vol% | 4.3 | |||
| SO2 | (dry) | mg/Nm3 | 1100 | |||
| SO3 | (dry) | mg/Nm3 | 0 | |||
| Cl | (dry) | mg/Nm3 | 0 | |||
| F | (dry) | mg/Nm3 | 0 | |||
| Ash | (dry) | mg/Nm3 | 0 | |||
| Characteristics of mist漿滴特性 |
| ||||
| Density 密度 | kg/m3 | 1069 | ||||
| Mist Particle diameter 漿滴顆粒直徑 |
| ||||
| PH | - | 7.0~9.0 | ||||
| Viscosity 粘度 | mPa?s | < 2 | ||||
| ||||
| 2) Pressure drop allowance 允許壓降 |
| ≤200Pa | ||||
| Clean condition潔凈條件下 | Pa | 90 | ||||
| Dirty condition沾污條件下 | Pa | 200 | ||||
| 3) Mist concentration at the outlet of Mist Eliminator 除霧器出口霧滴濃度 | 75 or less at dry basis 不高于75(干基) | |||||
| 4) Mist Eliminator washing 除霧器沖洗 |
| ||||
| (1) Wash water 沖洗水 |
| 工藝水 | ||||
| (2) Washing method and quantities 沖洗方法和頻率 |
| 按附件平板除霧器沖洗水運行邏輯圖 | ||||
| (3) Specified washing water quantities (average) 規定沖洗水量(平均) |
| |||
| 4.5m3/h | |||||
| 5) Mist Eliminator Type 除霧器型式 |
| Two - stage,二級 平板型 | ||||
| 6) Location of installation 安裝位置 |
| 吸收塔上部 | ||||
6. | Structural Design Conditions 結構設計條件 |
| ||||
| 1) Code, Regulation 標準,規范 |
| ||||
| 2) Design Pressure設計壓力 | kPa·G |
| ||||
| 3) Design Temperature 設計溫度 |
| ||||
Casing 外殼 | ℃ | 80 | |||||
| Element 元件 | ℃ | 80 | ||||
| 4) Rating 等級 |
| ||||
| 5) Corrosion allowance 腐蝕余量 |
| |||||
| 6) Dimension of Mist Eliminator Casing 除霧器外殼尺寸 | 見附件除霧器布置圖 | |||||
4m(塔內徑) | |||||||
| 7) Material 材質 | 增強型PP | |||||
| (1) Casing 外殼 | PPTV | |||||
| (2) Element部件 | PPTV | |||||
| (3) Spray nozzle 沖洗噴嘴 | PP | |||||
| (4) Inner pipe for washing 內部沖洗管件 | PP | |||||
| (5) Inner support 內部支架 | 由用戶提供 | |||||
7. | Operating Form 運行方式 | In Principle, continuous operation during about 5 year. 原則上,在五年內連續運行 | |||||
8. | Accessories 輔助設備 | ||||||
| 1) Washing spray device ( spray nozzle, piping and valves etc. : required for washing operation ) 沖洗噴淋設備(噴嘴,管道,閥門等:根據沖洗需要決定) | ||||||
| 2) Mating flange ( for washing water line ) 連接法蘭(連接沖洗水管路) | ||||||
| |||||||
9. | Consumable and Spare parts 消耗品和備件 | ||||||
| 1) Spare Parts for Erection 安裝用備件 | 噴嘴20只 | |||||
| 2) Spare Parts for Commissioning 試車備件 | 無 | |||||
| 3) Recommended Spare Parts *備件 | 無 | |||||
10. | Remarks 備注 | ||||||
| 由供貨商考慮煙氣不均衡造成的影響,保證除霧效果。 |
環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?