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1769-L18ER-BB1B CompactLogix 0.5MB DI/O Controller
1769-L18ERM-BB1B CompactLogix 0.5MB DI/O Controller
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1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B CompactLogix 1MB DI/O AI/O Controller
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1769-NPKSDN Compact Logix Tool Kit
1769-OA16 CompactLogix 16 Pt 240VAC D/O Module
1769-OA8 CompactLogix 8 Pt 240VAC D/O Module
1769-OB16 CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC D/O Module
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CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC D/O Module
T CMPLX 32 Pt 24VDC Terminated D/O Module
1769-OB8 CompactLogix 8 Pt 24VDC D/O Module
1769-OF2 CompactLogix 2 Pt A/O C and V Module
1769-OF4 CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O C and V Module
1769-OF4CI CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O Current Module
1769-OF4VI CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O VoltageModule
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