United Chemical Technologies, Inc. (UCT, Inc.) 于 1986 年在賓夕法尼亞州霍舍姆成立,從一家固相萃取吸附劑制造商發展成為特種化學品、色譜介質和樣品制備產品領域的主要競爭對手。UCT 始于一種用于固相萃取 (SPE) 的新技術理念:將兩個不同的官能團鍵合到固體支持材料上,以創建能夠基于不同化學原理萃取樣品的相。第一個產品是我們的 CLEAN SCREEN® DAU。該產品將離子交換功能與疏水烷基鏈結合在一起。該產品很快被分析實驗室采用,現在是臨床和法醫行業中使用z廣泛的 SPE 材料,用于生物基質的清潔提取。
1993 年 10 月,UCT 收購了 Huls America(前身為 Petrarch®)的特種化學品分公司。這種向硅烷制造領域的擴展允許更好地控制生產我們的高質量鍵合相所涉及的化學過程。
Today UCT, Inc. operates as two distinct divisions. UCT, LLC manufactures chromatographic and sample prep materials for researchers and analytical laboratories. Along with sample prep sorbents UCT also offers all the reagents and tools needed to perform sample extractions. This includes derivatizing reagents, hydrolyzing enzymes, buffer salts, extraction manifolds and HPLC columns. We have expanded our customer base through the years based on our reproducible high quality products and our unmatched technical support. Our customers range from hospital, clinical and toxicology labs to food safety testing labs, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and environmental testing facilities.
UCT Specialties, LLC 是 Petrarch® 系列硅基化學品的制造商。該系列產品包括硅烷、有機硅和催化劑。客戶選擇 UCT Specialties 來幫助解決其制造過程中的問題或幫助在其成品中實現所需的特性。我們的產品可以幫助提高潤滑性、疏水性、柔韌性、硬度、抗紫外線性、附著力、光澤、耐用性和其他所需的物理性能。我們的客戶是玻璃和光纖行業、醫療器械、化妝品、油漆和涂料、粘合劑和電子行業的研究人員和制造商。
United Chemical Technologies