適用范圍 | 為滿足鐵路隧道、公路橋梁、公共場館及各類生產企業等防眩光照明的需要,研制開發生產的B-NSC9720防眩通路燈,廣泛適用于隧道、路橋、大型設施、廠區、場站等場所作道路、通道泛光照明。 | 產品特點 | | 防眩功能: | 選用保護角設計和鏡面涂層技術,達到防眩光效果,能有效減少對作業、施工人員眼睛的刺激,避免產生不適和疲勞感。 | 光效節能: | 選用的氣體放電光源,光效高、壽命長,功率因數大于0.9,透光性好,壽命長達30000小時。 | 適用環境: | 特殊的表面涂層和密封處理,確保燈具在潮濕、高溫等惡劣環境中*腐蝕,*生銹。多重防振結構設計和高強度合金外殼,確保其在路基路軌、橋梁隧道等高頻震動中*安全工作。 | 安裝方式: | 座式、吸頂式和壁掛式等多種安裝方式,照射角度可根據環境需要在上下180°大范圍內調節。(其中功率為70W加裝遠程控制繼電器,可進行多路控制,主要適用于鐵路、公路隧道。)電子、機械雙重保護裝置,開蓋后自動切斷電源,使用維護更加安全可靠。 | | 主要技術參數 | | 額定電壓:220VAC 50Hz 外殼防護:IP65 進線口螺紋:G3/4 引入電纜:φ6~φ18mm 外形尺寸: 340×270×193mm 總重量:4.5Kg | 注意事項 | 1、運輸時將燈具裝在所配備的紙箱內,并加裝泡沫減震。 2、使用時,燈具表面有一定的溫升,屬正常現象;透明件中心溫度較高,不得觸摸。 3、更換燈泡時,應使用同類型、功率的燈泡;如果改變燈泡類型或功率,應相應更換配套鎮流器。 | * | 本產品嚴格按照質量管理體系標準進行質量控制 , 確保產品質量高于國家標準 , *達到設計要求 , 產品實行7年保用 , 光源保用一年 , 自購買之日起7年內,產品正常使用下出現任何故障由本公司負責免費維護 . | | Scope To meet the railway tunnels, roads and bridges, public venues and various types of production enterprises glare lighting needs, latest research and development and production of B-NSC9720 glare through street, widely used in tunnels, roads, bridges, large utilities, facilities, field stations, etc. place for road, channel flood lighting. Features Anti-glare function: the design and selection of protective angle mirror coating technology to achieve the glare effect, can effectively reduce the operation, construction workers to stimulate the eyes, to avoid discomfort and fatigue. Effective energy-saving light: use of gas discharge light source, high luminous efficiency, long life, power factor greater than 0.9, good light transmission, long life of 30,000 hours. Applications: special surface coating and sealed, to ensure that lighting in the humid, high temperature corrosion and other harsh environments never, never rust. Multiple anti-vibration design and high-strength alloy casing, to ensure that the tracks in the roadbed, bridges, tunnels and other high-frequency vibration and long-term security. Installation: Block type, style ceiling and wall-mounted and other installation, light angle can be up and down according to the environment need to be adjusted within a wide range of 180 °. (Where power is 70W install remote control relay, can be multiple control, mainly used in railway, highway tunnels.) Electronic, mechanical double protection device, after opening the cover automatically cut off power, more secure and reliable maintenance. Main technical parameters Rated Voltage: 220VAC 50Hz Housing Protection: IP65 Inlet thread: G3 / 4 Drop Cable: φ6 ~ φ18mm Dimensions: 340 × 270 × 193mm Total weight: 4.5Kg Notes 1, the transportation will be equipped with lamps installed in the carton, and add the foam cushioning. 2, when used, has some light surface temperature is a normal phenomenon; Transparency center temperature is higher, not touch. 3, replace the lamp, you should use the same type, the power of the bulb; If you change the bulb type or power, shall replace the corresponding supporting ballast. Quality Assurance This product is in strict accordance with international quality management system standards for quality control to ensure product quality is higher than the national standard, fully meet the design requirements, the product of 7 years warranty, one year lamp warranty, since the 7 years from the date of purchase, the product normally under any failure by the Company responsible for the free maintenance. |