1) 先將大理石地面沙粒,灰塵,蠟質及其他涂層清除干凈,大理石地面需翻新到2000#以上,然后沖洗地面,吸干或刮干水分。
2) 再將結晶粉兌清水1:2的比例混合后灑于地面,配合專業翻新晶面機及合適的重壓,用納米墊打磨3-5分鐘,均勻磨開至漿糊狀,再充分過水并吸干石面水漬雜物,再過一遍清水,待地面干后即可出現高光晶面效果。
3) 日常保養,建議用PH值在5-7范圍的中性清潔劑清洗,或使用清水清洗。
Marble super bright polishing powder
Product Features:
This product is the use of nanotechnology to the preparation of the surface into the molecular state was three mesh structure, high surface activity, non-toxic, active, safe to use, polished to produce a chemical reaction to generate silica crystals make full to fill the slate surface fine pores, quickly hard and shiny crystal layer formed on the marble surface, the marble itself hardness and density to greatly increase its surface to produce a high gloss, and increase its waterproof, stain resistant, non-slip effect, so that oily bright texture of stone. extended service life.
How to use:
1) Put the marble floor of sand, dust, wax and other coatings clean, marble floors need renovation to more than 2000 #, and then rinse the ground and sucking or scraping the dry water.
2) and then crystalline powder against water 1:2 mixing ratio and sprinkle on the ground, with professional renovation of the crystal surface machine and the weight of nano mat polished for 3-5 minutes, the mill open to a paste-like, and then fully over the water and sucking up the water-soaked debris of rock surface, go over the water, the effect of high gloss crystal surface can be the stone surface is dry.
3) routine maintenance, it is recommended that the PH value in the 5-7 range of neutral detergent cleaning, or use water to clean.
The operator needs a wealth of experience, you must first determine the crystal surface treatment material, calcium content and hardness, colors, and should be used in the polishing pad and the treatment process. Avoid direct sunlight, and the release of the reach of children.
Use range: natural marble
Shelf life: two years.
Packing specifications: 1kg; 5kg; 10kg; 20kg; 50kg;
Production Date: See the end of a barrel.