公司概述+KANK: 德國卡恩水工業集團成立于1985年,是專業生產個類水工業產品及提供整體解決方案的跨國性工業集團,其生產技術和*均居世界地位,在國 際水工業領域具有很高的度,并享有“閥門標準制定者”的美譽。卡恩集團的總部設在德國法蘭克福,在范圍內擁有29家大型制造企業,其中12家在美國,另外17家分別在加拿大、歐洲和中國,客戶服務機構150余個,生產、銷售網絡遍布世界幾乎所有工業國家。 閥門選型+KANK: 卡恩集團水工業亞洲事業部(總部設在深圳)是德國卡恩水工業集團在亞洲地區的管理機構??ǘ鳎?/span>KAEN)進口閥門主要產品有:低溫高壓閥門、高溫閥門、高壓閥門、波紋管閘閥、波紋管截止閥、氣動球閥、氣動調節閥、電動閘閥、電動截止閥、電動蝶閥等系列產品。卡恩在中國的產品廣泛應用于給排水工程、電力工程、建筑工程、以及鋼鐵、石化等水工業系統,在眾多國家大型重點項目中得到廣泛應用。 依據德國卡恩集團總部的戰略規劃,未來3至5年的時間里,德國卡恩集團將在中國建立起世界的水工業產品制造與物流中心,通過向客戶持續并盈利地提供水工業產品,成為中國建筑和水務行業zui的水工業解決方案供應商。 我們的目標是滿足并于應用領域的需求、行業標準及顧客的預期,始終將“滿足客戶的需求”作為生存的基礎。*的制造設備、高素質的設計團隊、完善的產品系列為滿足顧客的各類需求提供了可靠的保證。我們將提供適用于不同應用領域的水工業產品,并將持續的改進作為從事每一項工作的原動力,通過持續的新產品研發與產品改進,為顧客提供優良的適用產品。 Germany's Oliver Kahn Water Industrial Group was founded in 1985, is specialized in producing one type water industry products and provide total solutions to multinational industrial groups, their production technology and market share, global technology leader in the field of international water industry is high visibility, and enjoy the "valve standard setters" in the world. Kahn Group, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, on a global scale has 29 large manufacturing companies, including 12 in the U.S., another 17 were in Canada, Europe and China, more than 150 customer service, production and sales network Almost all industrial countries in the world. Kahn Group, Division of Water Industry in Asia (based in Shenzhen) is a German industrial group Kahn water management institutions in the Asian region. Kahn (KAEN) valve in the main products: low-temperature high-pressure valves, high temperature valves, high pressure valve, bellows gate valve, bellows globe valve, pneumatic valve, pneumatic control valve, electric valve, electric valve electric butterfly valve and other products. Kahn, are widely used in China to the drainage works, electrical engineering, construction, and steel, petrochemical and other industrial systems of water, large and key projects in many countries has been widely used. Kahn, according to the German headquarters of the strategic planning group, the next 3 to 5 years, the German Kahn Group will build the world's leading Chinese water industrial products manufacturing and logistics center, and profitability by continuing to provide our customers high-quality water industry products, construction and water industry of China's most prominent water industry solutions. Our goal is to meet and applications ahead of the needs of industry standards and customer expectations, and always will "meet the full range of customer needs" as the basis for survival. Advanced manufacturing equipment, high-quality design team, complete product line to meet the various needs of customers with a reliable guarantee. We will provide for water in different application fields of industrial products, and continuous improvement in each item of work as the driving force, through ongoing new product development and product improvement, the application to provide customers with excellent products. 中國總代理:深圳市錦澤閥門有限公司 : :fm@ 閥門: :1253640672 596296295 地址:深圳市寶安區西鄉海城工業區 |