當前位置:上海通蔚生物科技有限公司>>sigma試劑>>生化試劑>> 氯霉素
Cas 號: 【56-75-7】 M D L: MFCD00078159
氯霉素分子式: C11H12Cl2N2O5 ;Cl2CHCONHCH(CH2OH)CH(OH)C6H4NO2 分子量: 323.13
別 名: 左旋霉素,左霉素,D(-)-蘇-1-對硝基苯基-2-二氯乙酰胺基-1,3-丙二醇,D-蘇式-(-)-N-[α-(羥基甲基)-β-羥基-對硝基苯乙基]-2,2-二氯乙酰胺
用于植物細胞培養 25
98% 500g
98% 100g
98% 25g
98% 5g
性 狀: 白色、灰白色或黃白色結晶粉末,溶解度:2.5 g/L 水(25℃),150.8 mg/ml 丙二醇。 溶于甲醇、乙醇、丁醇、丙酮和乙酸乙酯,不溶于苯。
[a]20/D:18.5°(c=6, C2H5OH)
質量標準: 98%:
外觀Appearance 白色、灰白色或黃白色結晶粉末
紅外光譜鑒別Infrared spectrometry 符合
純度Purity 98.0 - 102.0% (銀量滴定)
純度Purity ≥98.0% (HPLC)
熔點Melting point 149°C - 152°C
干燥損失Loss on drying <0.5 % (105°C)
比旋光度Specific rotation [a]20/D +18.5°~ +20.5°(c=6, ethanol)
品級Grade 植物細胞培養測試級
(plant cell culture tested)
外觀Appearance 白色至類白色粉末
紅外光譜鑒別Infrared spectrometry Conforms
純度Purity ≥98.0% (HPLC)
熔點Melting point 149°C - 152°C
干燥損失Loss on drying <0.5 % (105°C)
醇溶解試驗solubility in ETHANOL 50 MG/ML,Clear colorless to light yellow solution
比旋光度Specific rotation [a]20/D +18.5°~ +20.5°(c=6, ethanol)
品級Grade USP級
(meets USP testing specifications)
鑒別試驗Identity PASS
熔點Melting point 149°C - 153°C
比旋光度Specific rotation [a]20/D +17.0 ° ~ +20.0 °
結晶試驗Crystallinity PASS
PH TEST 4.5 ~ 7.5
色譜純度Chromatographic purity PASS
含量ASSAY 97.0% ~ 103.0%
溶劑殘留Residual solvents MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS
貯 存: 室溫保存
用途 在轉肽酶(peptidyl transferase)步驟抑制在50S 核糖體亞單元上的翻譯。
Alpha1-MG(Human Alpha1-microglobulin) ELISA Kit 人α1微球蛋白 X20482 96T
ALB(Human microalbunminuria) ELISA Kit 人尿微量白蛋白 X20483 96T
AAA(Human Anti-adrenocortical antibody) ELISA Kit 人抗腎上腺皮質抗體 X20484 96T
RANA(Human rheumatoid arthritis associated nuclear artigen) ELISA Kit 人抗類風濕關節炎核抗原 X20485 96T
THP(Human T-H glycoprotein) ELISA Kit 人TH糖蛋白 X20486 96T
GTE-AGE(Human Glomerular tissue extract-advanced glycosylation end products) ELISA Kit 人腎小球組織糖基化終末產物 X20487 96T
UP(Human Proteinuria) ELISA Kit 人尿蛋白 X20488 96T
LMP7/PSMB99Human low molecular-weight protein/proteasome beta-type subunit) ELISA Kit 人低分子質量蛋白7/β型蛋白酶體9 X20489 96T
Alpha2-MG(Human Alpha2 macroglobulin) ELISA Kit 人α2巨球蛋白 X20490 96T
Kim-1(Human Kidney injury molecule 1) ELISA Kit 人腎損傷分子1 X20491 96T
AQP-5(Human Aquaporin 5) ELISA Kit 人水通道蛋白5 X20492 96T
AQP-4(Human Aquaporin 4) ELISA Kit 人水通道蛋白4 X20493 96T
AQP-3(Human Aquaporin 3) ELISA Kit 人水通道蛋白3 X20494 96T
AQP-2(Human Aquaporin 2) ELISA Kit 人水通道蛋白2 X20495 96T
AQP-1(Human Aquaporin 1) ELISA Kit 人水通道蛋白1 X20496 96T
AQP-0(Human Aquaporin 0) ELISA Kit 人水通道蛋白0 X20497 96T
RF(Human rheumatoid factor) ELISA Kit 人類風濕因子 X20498 96T
ASO(Human anti-streptolysin O) ELISA Kit 人抗鏈球菌溶血素O/抗O X20499 96T
ACA(Human adrenal cortex antibody) ELISA Kit 人腎上腺皮質抗體 X20500 96T
GBM(Human glomerular basement membrane antibogy) ELISA Kit 人抗腎小球基底膜抗體 X20501 96T
BMG/ Beta2-MG(Human Beta2-microglobulin) ELISA Kit 人β2微球蛋白 X20502 96T
ANX- V (Human Annexin V ) ELISA Kit 人膜聯蛋白Ⅴ X20503 96T
TBM(Human tubular basement membrane antibogy) ELISA Kit 人抗腎小管基底膜抗體 X20504 96T
AP13(Human apelin 13) ELISA Kit 人apelin 13 X20505 96T
AP36(Human Apelin 36) ELISA Kit 人Apelin 36 X20506 96T
Tn-T(Human Troponin T) ELISA Kit 人肌鈣蛋白T X20507 96T
ES-Ab(Human anti-Endostatin antibody) ELISA Kit 人血管內皮抑素抗體 X20508 96T
Agtr I a(Human angiotensin II receptor type I a) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅱ受體Ⅰa型 X20509 96T
ANGPTL3(Human angiopoietin-like protein 3) ELISA Kit 人血管生成素樣蛋白3 X20510 96T
Alpha Actin(Human Alpha-Actin) ELISA Kit 人α肌動蛋白 X20511 96T
ANKRD1(Human cardiac ankyrin repeat domain 1) ELISA Kit 人心肌錨蛋白重復域1 X20512 96T
LEPR(Human Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit 人瘦素受體 X20513 96T
AT2R(Human Angiotensin II Receptor 2) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅱ受體2 X20514 96T
ANG II R-1(Human angiotension II receptor 1) ELISA Kit 人血管緊張素Ⅱ受體1 X20515 96T
ANG-4(Human Angiopoietin 4) ELISA Kit 人血管生成素4 X20516 96T
sMHC-1(Human soluble myosin heavy chain 1) ELISA Kit 人可溶性肌球蛋白重鏈1 X20517 96T
HSF-1(Human Heat Shock Factor 1) ELISA Kit 人熱休克因子1 X20518 96T
VPI(Human vasopeptidase inhibitors) ELISA Kit 人血管活性肽酶抑制劑 X20519 96T
CMLC-1(Human Cardiac myosin-light chains 1) ELISA Kit 人心肌肌凝蛋白輕鏈1 X20520 96T
IMA(Human Ischemia Modified Albumin) ELISA Kit 人缺血修飾白蛋白 X20521 96T
8-epi-PGF2 Alpha(Human 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha0 ELISA Kit 人8-異構前列腺素F2α X20522 96T
sVE-Cadherin (Human Vascular Endothelial-Cadherin Complex) ELISA Kit 人血管內皮鈣粘著蛋白復合體 X20523 96T
Alpha-SMA(Human Alpha-Smooth muscle actin) ELISA Kit 人α平滑肌肌動蛋白 X20524 96T
Alpha-SCA(Human Alpha-sarcomeric actin) ELISA Kit 人α橫紋肌肌動蛋白 X20525 96T
SMM(Human smooth muscle Myosin) ELISA Kit 人平滑肌肌球蛋白 X20526 96T
cTnT(Human cardiac isoform of Tropnin T) ELISA Kit 人心肌特異性肌鈣蛋白T X20527 96T
MHC(Human myosin heavy chain) ELISA Kit 人肌球蛋白重鏈 X20528 96T
HSP-27(Human heat shock protein 27) ELISA Kit 人熱休克蛋白27 X20529 96T
ANG(Human angiostatin) ELISA Kit 人血管抑素/血管穩定蛋白 X20530 96T
h-FABP(Human heart fatty acid binding protein) ELISA Kit 人心型脂肪酸結合蛋白 X20531 96T
b-FABP(Human brain fatty acid binding protein) ELISA Kit 人腦型脂肪酸結合蛋白 X20532 96T
BK(Human Bradykinin) ELISA Kit 人血管舒緩激肽 X20533 96T
MLC(Human Myosin light Chain) ELISA Kit 人肌球蛋白輕鏈 X20534 96T
ACTN-3(Human Alpha-Actinin 3) ELISA Kit 人α-輔肌動蛋白3 X20535 96T
hs-CRP(Human high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit 人超敏C反應蛋白 X20536 96T
Tn- I (Human Troponin I ) ELISA Kit 人肌鈣蛋白Ⅰ X20537 96T
SAA(Human Serum amyloid A) ELISA Kit 人血清淀粉樣蛋白A X20538 96T
Hsp-60(Human Heat Shock Protein 60) ELISA Kit 人熱休克蛋白60 X20539 96T
HSP gp96(Human Heat Shock Protein glycoprotein 96) ELISA Kit 人熱休克蛋白糖蛋白96 X20540 96T
CT-1(Human cardiotrophln 1) ELISA Kit 人心肌營養素1 X20541 96T
CP/CER(Human Ceruloplasmin) ELISA Kit 人銅藍蛋白 X20542 96T
HSP-90(Human Heat Shock Protein 90) ELISA Kit 人熱休克蛋白90 X20543 96T
HSP-70(Human Heat Shock Protein 70) ELISA Kit 人熱休克蛋白70 X20544 96T