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Kapa Biosystems一級代理


熱烈慶祝廈門慧嘉生物成為Kapa Biosystems一級代理,*中
美國Kapa Biosystems 

Kapa是世界上的生物技術公司。總部位于美國波士頓, 公司的主要理念是運用分子和遺傳學技術來打造新一代的生物科學和醫學診斷產品。


1. Kapa2G*PCR (Kapa2G Robust PCR)。適用范圍:可用于普通的PCR反應中;ATGC堿基含量高的擴增;模板 中含有常見的PCR反應抑制物,例如,鹽離子,尿素,SDS,乙醇,EDTA等;石蠟油包被樣品;糞便樣品;菌落PCR

2. Kapa2G 快速PCR(Kapa2G Fast PCR)。高靈敏度,高特異性。延伸速度高達1/kb,(常規延伸速度是60s/kb),可擴增出長達5kb的目的片段,節省大約75%的反應時間。

3.實時熒光定量PCR (Kapa SYBR qPCR)。和其他公司的類似產品相比,Kapa SYBR qPCR改造了Taq DNA多聚酶,而不是對熒光染料進行化學改造,因此大大提高了信號強度以及反應的有效性。更重要的是,Kapa的系列產品可以適用于市場上現有的Real-time PCR儀器。

4.Kapa長片段DNA多聚酶 (Kapa LongRange)

4.Kapa長片段DNA多聚酶 (Kapa LongRange)

  產品類別 描述 包括dNTP混合物 應用 數量  
Product Code Product Category Description Includes dNTP Mix Applications Quantity 銷售價
KK2101 HiFi High fidelity Y Low error PCR 100 units,200reactions 1788
KK2102 HiFi High fidelity Y Low error PCR 250 units,500reactions 4263
KK2501 HiFi Hot Start High fidelity Y Low error PCR 100 units,200reactions 1925
KK2502 HiFi Hot Start High fidelity Y Low error PCR 250 units,500reactions 4675
KK3006 Long Range Long Range PCR blend Y Long Range PCR 100 units,200reactions 1925
KK3005 Long Range Long Range PCR blend Y Long Range PCR 250 units,500reactions 4125
KK3501 Long Range Hot Start Long Range PCR blend Y Long Range PCR 100 units,200reactions 2063
KK3502 Long Range Hot Start Long Range PCR blend Y Long Range PCR 250 units,500reactions 4125
KK3503 Long Range Hot Start Long Range PCR blend Y Long Range PCR 500 units,100reactions 7425
KK4600 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Universal   qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 1100
KK4601 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Universal   qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 4813
KK4602 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Universal   qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 8938
KK4603 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) ABI PrismTM   qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 1100
KK4604 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) ABI PrismTM   qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 4813
KK4605 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) ABI PrismTM   qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 8938
KK4606 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Bio-Rad iCyclerTM   qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 1100
KK4607 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Bio-Rad iCyclerTM   qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 4813
KK4608 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Bio-Rad iCyclerTM   qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 8938
KK4609 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Roche LightCycler® 480    qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 1100
KK4610 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Roche LightCycler® 480    qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 4813
KK4611 SYBR® Fast Mastermix(2X) Roche LightCycler® 480    qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 8938
KK4701 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) Universal   qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 1031
KK4702 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) Universal   qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 4538
KK4703 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) Universal   qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 8250
KK4705 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) ABI PrismTM   qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 1031
KK4706 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) ABI PrismTM   qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 4538
KK4707 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) ABI PrismTM   qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 8250
KK4709 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) Bio-Rad iCyclerTM   qPCR 1 ml,100reactions 1031
KK4710 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) Bio-Rad iCyclerTM   qPCR 5 ml,500reactions 4538
KK4711 PROBE FAST Mastermix(2X) Bio-Rad iCyclerTM   qPCR 10 ml,1000reactions 8250
KK5023  2G Robust     Difficult templates     High GC 100 units 963
KK5024  2G Robust     250 units 2200
KK5004 2G Robust   Y Universal enzyme 100 units 1100
KK5005  2G Robust   Y Universal enzyme 250 units 2475
KK5522  2G Robust Hot Start     Difficult templates     High GC 100 units 1375
KK5515  2G Robust Hot Start     250 units 3025
KK5517  2G Robust Hot Start     Universal enzyme 500 units 4813
KK5525 2G Robust Hot Start     Universal enzyme 2500 units 22000
KK5532  2G Robust Hot Start   Y Universal enzyme 100 units 1788
KK5516  2G Robust Hot Start   Y Universal enzyme 250 units 3850
KK5518  2G Robust Hot Start   Y Universal enzyme 500 units 6600
KK5020 2G Fast     Universal enzyme 100 units 1100
KK5021 2G Fast     Universal enzyme 250 units 2338
KK5008 2G Fast   Y Fast and Robust 100 units 1238
KK5009 2G Fast   Y Fast and Robust 250 units 2613
KK5523  2G Fast Hot Start     Fast and Robust 100 units 1375
KK5503  2G Fast Hot Start     Fast and Robust 250 units 3025
KK5501  2G Fast Hot Start     Fast and Robust 500 units 4813
KK5519  2G Fast Hot Start     Fast and Robust 2500 units 16500
KK5530  2G Fast Hot Start   Y Fast and Robust 100 units 1788
KK5502  2G Fast Hot Start   Y Fast and Robust 250 units 3850
KK5500  2G Fast Hot Start   Y Fast and Robust 500 units 6600
KK5513  2G Fast Hot Start Mg free buffer   Fast and Robust 250 units 3438
KK5511  2G Fast Hot Start Mg free buffer   Fast and Robust 500 units 5500
KK5512  2G Fast Hot Start Mg free buffer Y Fast and Robust 250 units 3713
KK5510  2G Fast Hot Start Mg free buffer Y Fast and Robust 500 units 6600
KK5603  2G Fast Hot Start Readymix   Fast and Robust 100 rxn 963
KK5601  2G Fast Hot Start Readymix   Fast and Robust 500 rxn 3575
KK7002 Blood PCR Kit A 500 x 25 ul rxn Readymix   Whole Blood PCR 500 rxn 5500
KK7003 Blood PCR Kit B 500  x 25 ul rxn Readymix   Whole Blood PCR 500 rxn 5500
KK7004 Blood PCR Kit A 1000 x 25 ul rxn Readymix   Whole Blood PCR 1000 rxn 9625
KK7005 Blood PCR Kit B 1000 x 25 ul rxn Readymix   Whole Blood PCR 1000 rxn 9625

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