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盛運股份技術研發中心2009年被認定為省級企業技術中心,2010年批準成立了《安徽省生活垃圾無害化處理工程技術研究中心》,2011年批準成立了《安徽省大氣污染治理及固廢處置、環境治理技術工程研究中心》,2013年批準成立了安徽省博士后科研工作站。目前正在爭取申報國家企業技術中心認定、籌建盛運技術工程研究設計院。 Shengyun Stock technology research and development center was identified as provincial level enterprise technology center in 2009,the foundation of Anhui province household garbage harmless treatment engineering technology research center was approved in 2010,the foundation of Anhui province air pollution treatment, solid waste treatment and environment management technology engineering research center was approved in 2011,the foundation of Anhui province post-doctoral scientific research workstations was approved in 2013.Currently,Shengyun stock is striving to declare national enterprise technology center identification and prepare to build Shengyun technology engineering research&design institute. |
公司積極實施科研項目,先后承擔了科技部科技型中小企業創新基金重點項目、科技攻關重點項目和星火計劃及火炬計劃重大備選項目、全國重點環境保護實用技術推薦項目、省“861"行動計劃重點建設項目和省裝備制造業備選項目、省創新試點省項目、省*(套)重大技術裝備項目。 Anhui Shengyun aggressively implement scientific research project, taking on MOST scientific and technologic type middle and small-sized enterprises innovation fund key project, science&technology key problems tackling key project, spark plan and torch plan major alternative project, national key environment protection practical technology recommended project, provincial “861" action plan key construction project and provincial equipment manufacturing industry alternative project, provincial innovation pilot province project, provincial first piece(set) major technical equipment project. |
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