聚氨酯濃度計 在線分析儀 MYHJ-I-350 RS485通信 智能控制免維護
型號: 2024年4月18日-4月20日,果宇科技受邀參加了在上海舉行的第25屆中國環博會暨亞洲旗艦環保展。此次環保展以“聚焦綠色發展理念,推動環保行業高質量發展”為主題,匯聚了眾多行業專家和領軍企業。大家共聚一堂,共同探討了環保行業技術和解決方案。
From April 18th to April 20th, 2024, Guoyu Technology was invited to participate in the 25th IE Expo China and Asia's flagship environmental protection exhibition held in Shanghai. With the theme of "Focusing on the Concept of Green Development and Promoting the High-quality Development of the Environmental Protection Industry", the exhibition brought together many industry experts and leading enterprises. Everyone gathered together to discuss the technology and solutions of the environmental protection industry.
閃耀亮相 備受矚目
Shine on the sho
As a manufacturer of gas and dust detectors, Guoyu Technology GUOYUGRA also set up star products and new products at the Environmental Expo Exhibition, and introduced the latest technology and products of Guoyu Technology to the exhibitors of the exhibition. Attendees also consulted about Guoyu's star products, including online dust detector GY/VGD-100, gas detector GY/VGD-200, gas online monitoring system GY8600, etc. Customers also expressed a strong interest in these products.
官方采訪:共話 氣體及粉塵監測環境
At this environmental expo, Lily, sales director of GUOYUGRA of Guoyu Technology, accepted an interview on the theme of "Talking about Gas and Dust Monitoring Occasion Technology and Solutions" in the environmental protection online live broadcast. She introduced the mission and vision of Guoyu Technology, as well as the new achievements and practical experience of Guoyu Technology in the field of dust monitoring, and also shared the development and vision of Guoyu Technology in the future, so that Guoyu Technology can collide with a new way of thinking.
The exhibition not only provides a platform for Guoyu Technology to display its products and technologies, but also creates a good opportunity for industry integration and communication and cooperation between customers and manufacturers. In the future, Guoyu will continue to promote innovation and development in the field of instrumentation and provide users with more high-quality, efficient and comprehensive gas and dust online monitoring solutions.
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