產品名稱: 美國DOP檢漏儀用PAO油
產品型號: PAO-4
美國DOP檢漏儀用PAO油[現貨價優] PAO-4氣溶膠原液是一種專門用于高效過濾器檢漏測試中的產生挑戰性氣溶膠的原液,CAS(美國化學物質產品登記號)為68649-12-7,化學成分為1-Decene, tetramer mixed with 1-decene,中文對應的名稱氫化-1-癸烯四聚體與1-癸烯三聚體;又名聚阿爾法烯烴是poly-alfa-olefins.原液的濃度為100%。
※ 無毒,非致癌
※ FDA推薦
※ 性能穩定
※ 潔凈房
※ 層流臺
※ 生物安全柜
※ 手套箱
※ HEPA吸塵機
※ HVAC系統
※ HEPA過濾器
※ 負壓過濾裝置
※ 手術室
PAO-4氣溶膠原液是一種專門用于高效過濾器檢漏測試中的產生挑戰性氣溶膠的原液,CAS(美國化學物質產品登記號)為68649-12-7,化學成分為1-Decene, tetramer mixed with 1-decene,中文對應的名稱氫化-1-癸烯四聚體與1-癸烯三聚體;又名聚阿爾法烯烴是poly-alfa-olefins.?原液的濃度為100%.?
密度:0.819 @ 60oF
揮發 @ 20oC:不揮發
pH @ 5%:沒有
華宇凈化-激光塵埃粒子計數器.塵埃粒子計數器.粒子計數器.生物安全柜.潔凈工作臺.超凈工作臺.風淋室.風淋.壓差計.空氣凈化.凈化設備.風速儀.FFU.潔凈采樣車.高效過濾器.Airborne Particle Counter.凈化工作臺.凈化工程.離子風蛇.Handheld Laser Particle Counter.風量儀.氣溶膠發生器.溫濕度壓差測試儀.浮游細菌采樣器.光度計.通風柜.傳遞窗.風淋室.環境檢測儀.在線分析測試.多點動態實時監測系統.在線監測系統.大流量塵埃粒子計數器.粒子發生器
5C Features
The 5C has all controls and displays grouped on the front panel away from the aerosol generator output nozzle. The unit has a large aerosol liquid capacity for operation up to 4 hours at full output without refilling. In addition, its digital temperature control allows the operator to set the unit for optimum conditions for the specific aerosol agent being used.
The 5C is capable of generating a wide variety of aerosol concentrations by discharging a controlled quantity of oil into a large heated area. The liquid is vaporized and condensed into a polydispersed aerosol while in the presence of a small amount of nitrogen delivered at approximay five pounds of pressure. The efficiency at which the aerosol is produced enables the 5C Generator, when used in conjunction with Analog or Digital photometers, to provide enough aerosol to leak test filtration systems from 1,500 to 65,0000 cfm. Systems larger than 6,500 cfm may be tested for leaks at less than 100 micrograms per liter when the photometer sensitivity is increased.
5C Specifications
Aerosol Output Range: 1,500-65,000 cfm
Aerosol Concentration 100 ug/1@*: 6,500 cfm
Aerosol Concentration 10 ug/1@*: 65,000 cfm
Generator Type: Vapor Condensation
Compressed Air: Not Required
Compressed Gas: Nitrogen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide or Helium (*20 cfh @ 50 psi)
Aerosol Type: Polydispersed (Cold)
Size: 15" L × 9" W × 10" H
(38cm L × 23cm W × 25cm H)
Weight-Pounds (lbs): 23 lbs.
Weight-Kilograms (kg): 10.4 kg
Electrical: 115 VAC / 60 Hz or 230 VAC / 50hz
EN61000-6-2:2005 |
EN61000-6-4:2007 |
EN61010-1:2001 |
UL61010-1:2004 |
FCC Part 15 (7/2008) Class A |
ICES-003 (CAN/CSA-CEI/IEC 22:02) |
* For high volume output, more uniform particle size, and safety, the liquid is aerosolized, superheated to vapor then recondensed by ambient air into a cold poly-dispersed aerosol. The propellant must be an inert gas since the liquid vapor temperature is above the liquid flashpoint.
Please note:
ATI does not recommend the 5C for certification of Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC's). Typical BSC flowrates are beneath the level at which a 5C is capable of providing a consistent and stable aerosol output.
NSF/ANSI 49-2002 Annex F, specifies the use of a Laskin nozzle generator or equivalent during certification.
For purposes of this NSF Standard's requirements, the 5C generator is not considered a Laskin nozzle equivalent aerosol generator.
- Clean Rooms
- HEPA Vacuum Cleaners
- HVAC Systems
- HEPA Filters
- ULPA Filters
- Negative Pressure Filtration Units
- Surgical Suites
- Nuclear Filter Banks
- Collective Protection Filters
- Research and Development
- Pharmaceutical
- Food Processing
- Veterinary Medicine
- Laboratories
- Asbestos Abatement
- Heavy Metal Processors
- Nuclear Power and Fuel
- Hospitals
- Chemical Processing
- Certifiers
- NBC Defense Agencies
- Governmental Labs
- Filter Manufacturers
- Micro Electronic
- Electronic
- Biotechnology
- Micromechanics