煤質(zhì)活性炭 Coal-based Activated Carbon 氣相處理——破碎炭Gas Phase treatment---granular Activated carbon 規(guī)格Specification/型號 Type | GC-1 | GC-2 | GC-3 | 粒徑(Mesh size)ASTM mesh | ø1.5, 3.0, 4.0 | 重(Bulk Density) g/ml | 0.40-0.45 | 0.40-0.46 | 0.42-0.48 | *吸附率(CTC),% | 70 | 60 | 50 | 碘值(Loding Mo.),mg/g Min | 1100 | 1000 | 900 | 比表面積(surface Area, BET,N2) ,m2/g Min | 1050 | 1000 | 950 | 硬度(Hardness),%Min | 92 | 95 | 95 | 灰分(Ash content)%Max | 10 | 10 | 10 | 水分(Moisture as Packed),%Max | 5 | 5 | 5 | 西安活性炭,西安活性炭廠,西安活性炭,專業(yè)制造西安活性炭 *生化、制藥、油漆工業(yè)、地下工程場所、皮革工場、動物飼養(yǎng)等場所的空氣的凈化、脫臭。 *Air cleaning and deodorization in the Areas of biochemistry, pharmaceutical industry,Painting industry.underground engineering Water,leather industry,animal far. *環(huán)境空氣污染防治,脫除氣體中的有害物質(zhì)、惡臭等。 *Painting industry,undertround engineering are,leather industry,animal far *廢氣處理,有機(jī)溶劑吸附、回收。 *Air pollution prevention,removing the hazardous materials and odors in gases. *濾毒罐、空氣濾清器。 *Canisters,air filtration 西安活性炭,西安活性炭廠,西安活性炭,專業(yè)制造西安活性炭 液相處理 ---破碎炭Liquid phase treatment--- Granular Activated carbon 規(guī)格Specification/型號 Type | LC-A1 | LC-B1 | LC-A2 | LC-B2 | LC-A3 | LC-B3 | 粒徑(Mesh size)ASTM mesh | ø1.5, 8 x 30, 12 x 40, 6 x 12 | 比重(Bulk Density) g/ml | 0.40-0.45 | 0.40-0.46 | 0.42-0.48 | *吸附率(CTC),% | 60 | 60 | 55 | 55 | 50 | 50 | 亞甲基藍(lán)脫色力(M.B.),mg/g Min | 185 | 195 | 170 | 180 | 160 | 170 | 碘值(Loding Mo.),mg/g Min | 1100 | 1100 | 1000 | 1000 | 950 | 950 | 比表面積(surface Area, BET,N2) ,m2/g Min | 1250 | 1000 | 950 | 900 | 900 | 850 | 硬度(Hardness),%Min | 95 | 90 | 95 | 90 | 95 | 90 | 灰分(Ash content)%Max | 10 | 15 | 10 | 15 | 10 | 15 | 水分(Moisture as Packed),%Max | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 活性炭批發(fā),活性炭批發(fā),活性炭批發(fā)零售,專業(yè)生產(chǎn)批發(fā)活性炭 *高濃度工業(yè),生活廢水凈化,脫色、脫臭、降COD。 *Hingh gravity industry,sanitary wastewter cleaning,decoloring,deodorization,COD degrading. *制糖、染料工業(yè),用于去雜質(zhì)純化,脫色。 *Medicine,distillery,organic acid and inorganic industry,also used in purification and decoloring. *流體化床、浮動床生物處理系統(tǒng)的載體。 *Filling materiales in the filtation cores of wate filter. *濾水器濾芯充填物。 *Carrier in the fluidization bed treatment system and floationg bed treatment system. 粉狀炭Powder Activated carbon 西安活性炭,西安活性炭廠,西安活性炭報價,西安活性炭 規(guī)格Specification/型號 Type | PC-1 | PC-2 | PC-3 | 粒徑(Mesh size)ASTM mesh | 200---325 | 亞甲基藍(lán)脫色力(M.B.),mg/g Min | 195 | 180 | 165 | 碘值(Loding Mo.),mg/g Min | 1100 | 1000 | 950 | 比表面積(surface Area, BET,N2) ,m2/g Min | 1050 | 1000 | 900 | 灰分(Ash content)%Max | 10 | 10 | 10 | 水分(Moisture as Packed),%Max | 6 | 6 | 6 | *西安活性炭,西安活性炭廠,西安活性炭報價,西安活性炭 煙道氣的臭氣吸附、硫化物吸附、汞蒸氣去除,降低戴奧辛的生成。 *Adsorption of stack gas odor and sulphide,removing of mercury steam,reducing the generation of dioxin. *高濃度永處理系統(tǒng)的脫色、脫臭、降低COD。 *High gravity wastewater cleaning,decoloring,deodrization,removing of COD. *可配合水處理的生物系統(tǒng)(PACT法)使用,效果更佳。 *Better effects can be achieved when it is used together with the metheod of PACTin water treatment. *制糖、染料工業(yè),用于去雜質(zhì)純化、脫色。 *Sugar refinery and painting industry,also used in purification and decoloring. 西安活性炭,西安活性炭廠,西安活性炭報價,西安活性炭 果殼活性炭Wood Activated Carbon 破碎炭 Powder Activated Carbon 規(guī)格Specification/型號 Type | PD-1 | PD—2 | PD-3 | 粒徑(Mesh size),ASTM mesh | 200-325 | 亞甲基藍(lán)脫色力(M.B),mg/gMin | 195 | 180 | 165 | 碘值(lodine No.),mg/g Min | 1100 | 1000 | 900 | 比表面積(Surface Area,BET,N2)m2/g Min | 1050 | 950 | 850 | 灰分(Ashcontent),%Max. | 5 | 5 | 5 | 水分(Moistureas Packed),%Max. | 8 | 8 | 8 | *電鍍液雜質(zhì)去除及電鍍廢水處理。 *Eleminate impurity in the Electrobath and treatment of wastewater form electrobath. *食品油的精制及脫色。染料,藥品,飲料的脫色、精制。 *Refining and decoloring of edible oil,Tincture,medicine,anddrinks. *凈水、自來水高級處理添加劑。 *Additive in advancedtreatment of pure water and tap water. *廢水處理添加劑,可配合水處理的生物處理系統(tǒng)(PACT法)使用,效果更佳。 *Waste water trea tment additive,work with PACT to achieve better performance. 椰子殼活性炭 Coconut Shell Activated Carbon 氣相處理——破碎炭Gas Phase treatment---granular Activated carbon 規(guī)格Specification/型號 Type | GA-1 | GA-2 | GA-3 | 粒徑(Mesh size)ASTM mesh | 4 x 8,6 x 12,12 x 30,20 x 70,30 x 60 | 比重(Bulk Density) g/ml | 0.42-0.48 | 0.45-0.5 | 0.45-0.5 | *吸附率(CTC),% | 70 | 60 | 50 | 碘值(Loding Mo.),mg/g Min | 1200 | 1100 | 1000 | 比表面積(surface Area, BET,N2) ,m2/g Min | 1250 | 1150 | 1050 | 硬度(Hardness),%Min | 90 | 92 | 92 | 灰分(Ash content)%Max | 5 | 5 | 5 | 水分(Moisture as Packed),%Max | 5 | 5 | 5 | *生化、制藥、油漆工業(yè)、地下工程場所、皮革工場、動物飼養(yǎng)等場所的空氣的凈化、脫臭。 *Air cleaning and deodorization in the Areas of biochemistry, pharmaceutical industry,Painting industry.underground engineering Water,leather industry,animal far. *食品保鮮、存氮去氧,作為吸味劑用于冰箱除臭等。 *Food preservatives ,keeping nitrogen and removing oxygen.also used as small adsorption in refrigerators. *環(huán)境空氣污染防治,脫除氣體中的有害物質(zhì)、惡臭等。 *Air pollution prevention,removing the hazardous materials and odors in gases. *香煙濾嘴、濾毒罐、空氣濾清器。氣體純化、精制。 *Cigar filters,canisters,air filtration,gas refining. 液相處理---破碎炭Liquid phase treatment--- granular Activated carbon 規(guī)格Specification/型號 Type | LA-1 | LA-2 | LA-3 | 粒徑(Mesh size)ASTM mesh | 6 x 12,8 x 30,12 x 40,10 x 20,20 x 50 | 比重(Bulk Density) g/ml | 0.45-0.48 | 0.45-0.5 | 0.45-0.55 | *吸附率(CTC),% | 60 | 55 | 45 | 亞甲基藍(lán)脫色力(M.B.),mg/g Min | 180 | 165 | 150 | 碘值(Loding Mo.),mg/g Min | 1100 | 950 | 859 | 比表面積(surface Area, BET,N2) ,m2/g Min | 1150 | 1000 | 900 | 硬度(Hardness),%Min | 90 | 92 | 94 | 灰分(Ash content)%Max | 5 | 5 | 5 | 水分(Moisture as Packed),%Max | 5 | 5 | 5 | 活性炭批發(fā),活性炭批發(fā),活性炭批發(fā)零售,專業(yè)生產(chǎn)批發(fā)活性炭 *自來水、飲用水、純水凈化、去除有機(jī)物、有害物質(zhì)及重金屬。濾水器濾芯充填物。 *The cleaning of tap water,drinkiong water and pure water,the removing of organic matter,hazardous materials and heavy metals,filling materials in the filtration cores of water filter. *低濃度工業(yè)、生活廢水凈化、脫色、脫臭、降COD。 *Low gravity industry,sanitary wastewater cleaning,decoloring,deodorization.COD degtading. *藥品、制酒,有機(jī)酸及無機(jī)物工業(yè),用于去雜質(zhì)純化,脫色。 *Medicine,distillery,organic acid and inorganic industry,also used in pruification and decoloring. *流體化床、浮動床生物處理系統(tǒng)的載體。 *Carrier in the fluidization bde trestment system and floating bde treatment system. *合成工業(yè)作觸媒或觸媒載體。冶煉黃金。 *Catalysis of catalysis carrier in synthetic industry,the refining if gold. 粉狀炭Powder Activated carbon 規(guī)格Specification/型號 Type | PA-1 | PA-2 | PA-3 | 粒徑(Mesh size)ASTM mesh | 200---325 | 亞甲基藍(lán)脫色力(M.B.),mg/g Min | 180 | 165 | 150 | 碘值(Loding Mo.),mg/g Min | 1100 | 1000 | 900 | 比表面積(surface Area, BET,N2) ,m2/g Min | 1200 | 1100 | 1000 | 灰分(Ash content)%Max | 5 | 5 | 5 | 水分(Moisture as Packed),%Max | 8 | 8 | 8 | *凈水、自來水高級處理添加劑。 *Additive in the advanced treatment of pure water and tap water. *煙道氣的臭氣吸附、硫化物吸附,汞蒸氣的去除,降低戴奧辛的生成。 *Adsorption of stack gas odor and sulphihide,removing of mercury steam,reducing the generation of dioxin. *廢水處理系統(tǒng)的脫色,脫臭、COD及重金屬去除。 *Wastewater cleaning,decolring,deodrization,removing of CODand heavy metal. *可配合水處理的生物處理系統(tǒng)(PACT法)使用,效果更佳。 *Better effects can de achieved when it is used together with the method of PACT in water treatment. 西安活性炭,西安活性炭廠,西安活性炭報價,西安活性炭 |