產品介紹 |
Spirax Sarco exhaust valve Steam system with automatic exhaust valve Air and other non-condensable gases in the steam system will cause a lot of problems . Warm-up time will be extended only , and the mixture of steam and air at the same pressure will be lower than that of pure steam temperature . Air film reduces heat transfer efficiency , resulting in increased fuel consumption , and these gases are also the main reason for the air pipe corrosion formation . Use automatic exhaust valve Spirax Sarco steam system to exclude air and other non-condensable gases , while not leaking steam. AV13 - using brass body , threaded connections, the working pressure 13barg, corrosion-resistant and built-in filter . AVC32 and AVS32 steel and stainless steel were used . Threaded , flanged and welding connections , corrosion and built-in filter . Water supply pipeline with automatic air eliminator Air and other non-condensable gas inside the water pipe will cause a lot of problems , such as noise , corrosion, hysteresis loop , and even cause a temporary interruption of the device. When these gases are introduced into the water filling pipe , thorough and effective way to effectively eliminate the use of these gases automatic air eliminator . Spirax Sarco air eliminator use the float buoyancy action. Air exclusion is a natural gathering place installed in the air exclusion can automatically turn on to exclude air and automatically shut down when the water passes through . Air exclusion is automatic work , either in the boot or runtime are no adjustment . Air vent for the following applications : Automatically exclude air S emptying liquid systems Steam system to exclude air Avoid residual air system , or waste steam 斯派莎克AV13排空氣閥蒸汽系統用自動排氣閥 空氣及其它不凝性氣體在蒸汽系統中會引起很多問題。不但會延長暖機時間,而且在相同壓力下蒸汽及空氣混合物會比純蒸汽溫度低。空氣會形成氣膜降低傳熱效率,從而導致燃料耗量增加,并且這些氣體也是管道腐蝕的主要原因。使用斯派莎克的自動排氣閥可排除蒸汽系統中的空氣及其它不凝性氣體,同時不會泄漏蒸汽。 斯派莎克AV13排空氣閥 - 采用黃銅制閥體,螺紋連接,工作壓力13barg,耐腐蝕并內置過濾器。 AVC32和AVS32分別采用鋼結構和不銹鋼結構。螺紋,法蘭和焊接等連接方式,耐腐蝕并內置過濾器。 斯派莎克排空氣閥AV13給水管道用自動空氣排除器 給水管道內的空氣及其它不凝性氣體會引起很多問題,如噪音、腐蝕、循環遲滯,甚至造成設備的暫時中斷。這些氣體是在管道充水時引入的,而有效地排除這些氣體的有效方法是使用自動空氣排除器。 斯派莎克AV13排空氣閥利用浮球的浮力動作。空氣排除器安裝在空氣自然聚集處,排除器能夠自動開啟以排除空氣,并在水通過時自動關閉。空氣排除器是自動工作,無論在開機或運行時均無需調節。 |
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彪維流體設備(上海)有限公司成立于1995年。總部設在上海,十多年來我們一直致力于在中國推廣有效地應用和控制蒸汽、熱水、壓縮空氣等多種工業流體,銷售和服務網絡已遍布全中國。蒸汽有問題的時刻,Z佳秘訣, 蒸汽是現代工業的血液。每年,不論是在食品飲料、制藥、化工、電子、紙漿和造紙行業,還是在橡膠塑料等行業,都有許多原材料和成品生產的新項目在進行,這些都需要用到蒸汽。蒸汽是一種關鍵的用于設備和工藝加熱的載體。蒸汽的用途很廣泛,它并不*于人們所熟知的一些加熱應用,還可用于緩慢地冷卻物體,例如在金屬和玻璃的加工制造應用中,甚至在*空調制冷機上也需應用蒸汽。世界各地的消費者都受益于蒸汽,因為許多吃的、喝的、穿的、用的產品的生產都離不開潔凈的的蒸汽。為了滿足這些要求,蒸汽工業發展得越來越快。蒸汽系統已實現自動化,并能高效、安全地運行。隨著環境問題的加劇和能源供應的無常,蒸汽作為一些區域性的高效熱電廠的附屬產品,變得越來越實用。這使得蒸汽相對于其它熱量載體來說,更具吸引力。