用途 User 調節與控制主閥的出口壓力,主閥出口壓力不因進口壓力變化而改變,亦不因主閥出口流量的變化而改變其出口壓力。可用于生活給水,消防系統及工業給水系統。 Regulating and controlling the outlet pressure of the main valve, the outlet pressure of the main valve shall not change due to the import pressure change, nor shall it change the export pressure due to the change of the main valve outlet flow. It can be used for water supply, fire protection system and industrial water supply system. 該閥采用全通道流線型設計,流體阻力小,流量大,即可減動壓也可減靜壓。 The valve adopts full channel flow line design, the fluid resistance is small, the flow is big, can reduce dynamic pressure also can reduce static pressure. 原理 Principle 介質進入閥體下腔,向上推動閥瓣,同時介質經主閥外控制管進入隔膜上腔,上腔的壓力由導閥調節。上腔與閥體下腔的壓力差決定了閥瓣的上下運動,從而改變出口壓力。當上腔與下腔壓力相同時,閥瓣停在某一位置,出口壓力保持不變,起到穩壓的作用。 The medium enters the lower chamber of the valve body and pushes the disc upward, while the medium is controlled by the outer control tube of the main valve into the diaphragm chamber. The upper chamber pressure is regulated by the guide valve. The pressure difference in the upper chamber and the lower chamber of the valve body determines the movement of the disc to change the outlet pressure. When the upper chamber is under pressure with the lower cavity, the disc stops at a certain position and the outlet pressure remains constant, acting as a stabilizing force. 執行標準 Executive standard 法蘭尺寸 Flange dimensions:GB/T 17241.6 試驗檢驗 Test test:GB/T 13927 安裝圖典型 Installation diagram
特點 Characteristic
高能人以健全的管理體系,雄厚的技術,*的工藝、精良的設備、完善的檢測制度和全面快捷的售后服務,贏得了廣大用戶的信賴和好評,并成為中國石化工程建設公司合格供方、中石化設備資源市場成員、中石油天然氣集團一級供應網絡企業、國家電力公司電站配件供應成員廠、勝利石油物資銷售隊伍、機械工業閥門科技信息網成員、給水排水協會常務委員、通用機械閥門行業協會會員。 高能人遵循“建立體系、持續改進、確保質量、按期交貨、熱情服務、顧客滿意”的質量方針,本著“創新+質量+誠信+服務”的企業精神,高能人承諾:我們將以*的品質,合理的價格,齊全的品種和快捷的交貨期向廣大用戶提供優質的服務。
200X 減壓閥 產品信息