1 .破碎比大、生產效率高
2 .應用靈活
3 .易損件消耗少,運行成本低單缸圓錐破碎機破碎腔型采用了優化設計,襯板均勻磨損,磨耗成本更低,將維修費用降低到限度,一般使用壽命可提高 30 %以上。
4 .的自動化控制
5 .層壓破碎,粒形優良
6 .維修簡便
1 . big crushing ratio , high production efficiency 5 ingle cylinder cone crusher crushing ratio machine increased , the particle size of the product strong ra ndomness , the size can be adiusted . Eccentric crushing force of cone crusher and the static torque and rotational speed of a certain relationship .Adjustlng the ClearanCe of the crUShlng chamber , can convenlently adJ 比 t the crushing ratlo required for
2 . flexlble aPPI tlon , strong applobllity 5 Ingle cylinder cone crusher deslgn characterlstlcs of the machine 15 to achieve the best performance of crusher 15 sultable to the crushlng process : trom a crushed to fine , from the statlonary crushing fleld to the mobile crusher station . Single cylinder cone c rusher crushlng chamber allowS replacement of dlfferent in the same host structure , meet the rgquiremenls of ditterent prod 以月 Ion conditions .
3 . the vulnerabillty of consumption . IOw operation cost 5 Ingle cylinder cone crusher chamber adopts optlmlzed design , Ilning board wear uniform , wearlng Iower costs , repair costs will be reduced to a mlnlmum , general Sery ' e Ilfe can be increased by rnore than 30 % .
4 . adVanCgd aLJtoll tIC COntml AUtomatiC COntrO ! deVICe has b0COmg tho main characteristICS of single cylinder cone crusher . The hydraulic adlustment system provides security protectIOn and ad ! uSIment functlon row ore mouth set , but also can provide automatic overload protectlon , can not broken splndlo to restore In situ aUtomatic material safety after . The operatlon situatlon of autamatic control systef 們 monltors the wholec Sher , and automatlcally record the productlon dala andcrusher performance , provide operation curve Of equlpment , improve the informatlon reCOrdlng capabllity . 5 . the Interpartlcle brea ge , graln Shape good 5 Ingle cyllnder COne crUSher , ad0Ptsa Implements the interparticle brea 肋 ge : breakage Occurs nof only in between the perticles and the Ilni 叩 plate , but also between particles and particles . Mutual extruslon between partlcles , flat strlp partlcles along the weak sectlon break . each rock particles In the crushlng cavity has been rePeatedly broken . 50 the product graln Shape more Cubc type .
6 . Slmple repair 5 ingle Cylinder Cone crusher all parts are available fram the top or side of dlsmountlng and malntenance . COne and COne assembly and dISassembly are convenient , there 15 no need to disassemble the machlne frame , a fastenlng bolt , 50 the cone crusher 1 Inlng board daily rePlaCement moreO ) Ivenient .