產品細節:SQ-300I 8700700-006C 單相變壓器整流器(T/R)
B&W的SQ-300 i混合自動電壓控制(AVC)是我們久經考驗的SQ-300產品線的成員。基于同樣值得信賴的技術,SQ-300i混合AVC既可以控制傳統的單相變壓器整流器(T/R)組,也可以控制低ESP電壓紋波的三相T/R組。
- 三相低紋波單相電源的單組件解決方案
- 低成本高可靠性
- 采用現代大規模集成組件和裝置,降低了控制尺寸和復雜性
- 簡化結構;一個可與工廠系統接口的電源控制系統
- 備件庫存所需資源減少
- 作為升級組件的雙重功能;滿足常規控制替換的即時需求,即使T/R裝置后來升級為三相,也能繼續使用
- 自動線路電壓和控制電壓檢測
- 通過簡單的固件更改從單相切換到三相(反之亦然)
SQ-300i 8700700-004
B&W’s SQ-300 i Hybrid Automatic Voltage Control (AVC) is the latest addition to our proven SQ-300 product line. Based on the same trusted technology, the SQ-300i hybrid AVC can control both conventional single-phase transformer rectifier (T/R) sets and three-phase T/R sets with low ESP voltage ripple.
Like its predecessors, the SQ-300i hybrid AVC is an integral part of the dust collector control system. It simultaneously controls the power supply to the T/R device, analyzes alarms, and interfaces with computer-based data acquisition software. Being able to control two different types of power supplies, one that has been in use for 80 years and the other that is the way forward, adds a unique dimension to the product line.
Hybrid design features
Single-phase and three-phase power supplies are derived from the same design. Both use thyristor rectifiers (SCRS) for power control, both do not require an active cooling system, and both have high reliability. With these similarities, the development of the SQ-300i hybrid controller was a natural progression.
Benefits of SQ-300i hybrid AVC
Single-component solution for three-phase low-ripple single-phase power supply
Low cost and high reliability
The use of modern large-scale integrated components and devices reduces the control size and complexity
Simplified structure; A power control system that interfaces with plant systems
Reduced requirements for spare parts inventory
Dual functions as an upgrade component; To meet the immediate needs of conventional control replacement, even if the T/R unit is later upgraded to three-phase, it can continue to be used
Automatic line voltage and control voltage detection
Switch from single phase to three phase (and vice versa) with simple firmware changes
推薦主營型號:SQ-300I 8700700-006C 單相變壓器整流器(T/R)
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MVI69L-MBS通信模塊ProSoft | O3ED控制模塊橫絲 |
Tcm08a人機界面總線卡單元 | O3ES HENF445789R1控制模塊橫絲 |
DS200SDCCG1AFD驅動控制板通用電氣公司 | E3EB HENF315129R1控制模塊橫絲 |
內華達州本特利公司的雙線傳感器 | HENF318736R1控制模塊橫絲 |
FC-TSAI-1620M安全管理系統模塊 | R1海牙324015號/R1海牙324258號R3/I/海牙448230號輸入輸出模塊橫絲 |
8937-HN光纖擴展 | HESG441635R1 HESG216877K電源控制器橫絲 |
T8431可信TMR 24Vdc模擬輸入模塊國際外科醫生協會國際外科醫生學會三路 | 3BHE023784 IGCT模塊橫絲 |
易進P2 8440-2145并聯發電機組控制器伍德沃德 | TB820V2 3BSE013208R1總線橫絲調制解調器 |
Mtl838b-mbf MBF接收機MTL | 1TGE120028R0010人機系統接口橫絲 |
CB06561 PRD-B040SSLZ-62驅動科爾摩根 | DDC779BE02 3BHE006805R0002以太網控制模塊橫絲 |
api480g到直流電隔離信號調節器 | 3BHE009017R0102 VLSCD板橫絲 |
電路板模塊 | 3BSE028140R0065張力電子產品橫絲 |
Cb06551 prd – b040ssi -63伺服科爾摩根 | CI860K01 3BSE032444R1基金會現場總線衛生與安全執行委員會接口橫絲 |
SC-UCMX01 -175遠程終端單元霍尼韋爾 | CI854K01 3BSE025961R1通信接口模塊橫絲 |
NW-BM85C002橋接多路復用模塊施耐德 | HESG441633R1 HESG216875/K控制器模塊橫絲 |
200 turh 1 CFD標志視覺識別系統卡通用電氣公司 | PFTL201C 3BSE007913R50 50KN壓力墊塊稱重傳感器橫絲 |
Is220pdiah1b輸入/輸出封裝 | SCYC51020 G脈沖觸發板橫絲 |