


330106-05-30-50-02-00 3300 XL 8mm接近傳感器系統

  • 公司名稱廈門雄霸電子商務有限公司
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  • 更新時間2024/5/5 15:21:19
  • 訪問次數139

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廈門雄霸電子商務有限公司漳州分公司主營(DCS系統)(機器人系統)(大型伺服控制系統)模塊備件的銷售。公司經營范圍:分布式控制系統(DCS)、可編程序控制器(PLC).MOTOROLA MVME工業用模組、工業控制通訊轉換器(Anybus)、遠端輸出/輸入模塊(RTU)、工業電腦(IPC)、工業用低頻螢幕(IPC)、人機界面SCSI(50、68、80Pin)AnyBus(Gateway)。廈門雄霸從事工控行業十幾年,現已成一家性的工業自動化備件及零部件的銷售企業。我司能直接從境外進貨、能夠提供不同國別、廠商的設備以及備件、解決您多處尋找的麻煩或對產品質量問題的擔心等、在價格上我們有很大的優勢。貨源優勢價格優勢售后服務直接從境外進貨、能夠提供不同國別、廠商的只要您誠心想購買,多少價格我們都可以提供所有配件的]保修期均為3-6個月,質設備以及備件給您。保1年。
該系統提供的輸出電壓與探頭與觀察到的導電表面之間的距離成正比,可以測量靜態(位置)和動態(振動)值。該系統的主要應用是振動和位置測量流體膜軸承機,以及關鍵相量*參考和速度測量3。3300 XL 8毫米系統在我們的渦流接近傳感器系統中提供了的性能。標準的3300 XL 8毫米5米系統也符合美國石油協會(API) 670標準機械配置,線性范圍,精度和溫度穩定性標準(第4版)。
330106-05-30-50-02-00 3300 XL 8mm接近傳感器系統 產品信息

詳情介紹:330106-05-30-50-02-00 3300 XL 8mm接近傳感器系統

3300 XL 8毫米系統在我們的渦流接近傳感器系統中提供了的性能。標準的3300 XL 8毫米5米系統也符合美國石油協會(API) 670標準
機械配置,線性范圍,精度和溫度穩定性標準(第4版)。所有3300 XL 8mm近距離傳感器系統都提供這種級別的性能,并支持探頭,延長電纜和Proximitor傳感器的互換性,無需匹配或臺架校準單個組件。
每個3300 XL 8mm傳感器系統組件向后兼容和可互換4與其他非XL 3300系列5mm和8mm傳感器系統組件5。這種兼容性包括3300 5毫米探頭,用于8毫米探頭對可用安裝空間太大的應用6,7。
3300 XL Proximitor傳感器與以前的設計相比進行了許多改進。它的物理包裝允許您在高密度的DINrail安裝中使用它。您也可以將傳感器安裝在傳統的面板安裝配置中,其中它與舊的Proximitor傳感器設計共享相同的4孔安裝“足跡”。安裝基礎的任何一個選項提供電氣隔離,消除了需要單獨的隔離板。3300 XL Proximitor傳感器對射頻干擾具有高度免疫力,可以將其安裝在玻璃纖維外殼中,而不會對附近的射頻信號產生不利影響。3300 XL Proximitor傳感器改進的RFI/EMI抗擾度滿足歐洲CE標志認證,無需特殊屏蔽導管或金屬外殼,從而降低了安裝成本和復雜性。
3300 XL的SpringLoc端子條不需要特殊的安裝工具,通過消除可松動的螺桿式夾緊機構,可以實現更快、更堅固的現場接線連接。


The system provides an output voltage that is directly proportional to the distance between the probe tip and the observed conductive surface and can measure both static (position) and dynamic (vibration) values. The system’s primary applications are vibration and position measurements on fluid-film bearing machines, as well as Keyphasor* reference and speed measurements3.
The 3300 XL 8 mm system delivers the most advanced performance in our eddy current proximity transducer systems. The standard 3300 XL 8 mm 5-metre system also fully complies with the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 670
Standard (4th Edition) for mechanical configuration, linear range, accuracy, and temperature stability. All 3300 XL 8 mm proximity transducer systems provide this level of performance and support complete interchangeability of probes, extension cables, and Proximitor sensors, eliminating the need to match or bench calibrate individual components.
Each 3300 XL 8 mm Transducer System component is backward-compatible and interchangeable4 with other non-XL 3300 series 5 mm and 8 mm transducer system components5. This compatibility includes the 3300 5 mm probe, for applications in which an 8 mm probe is too large for the available mounting space6,7.
Proximitor Sensor
The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor incorporates numerous improvements over previous designs. Its physical packaging allows you to use it in high-density DINrail installations. You can also mount the sensor in a traditional panel mount configuration, where it shares an identical 4-hole mounting “footprint” with older Proximitor Sensor designs. The mounting base for either option provides electrical isolation and eliminates the need for separate isolator plates. The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor is highly immune to radio frequency interference, allowing you to install it in fiberglass housings without adverse effects from nearby radio frequency signals. The 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor’s improved RFI/EMI immunity satisfies European CE mark approvals without requiring special shielded conduit or metallic housings, resulting in lower installation costs and complexity.
The 3300 XL’s SpringLoc terminal strips require no special installation tools and facilitate faster, more robust field wiring connections by eliminating screw-type clamping mechanisms that can loosen.

熱賣型號:330106-05-30-50-02-00 3300 XL 8mm接近傳感器系統

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