



  • 公司名稱浙江精科計量儀器有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地臺州市
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2024/2/3 11:53:52
  • 訪問次數128

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浙江精科計量儀器有限公司是一家專業從事計量器具、儀器儀表、檢測設備的銷售、維修、計量于一體的商貿公司。主要產品有三坐標、光譜儀、齒輪測量中心、激光干涉儀、柔性測量臂、激光跟蹤儀、無損探傷檢測、圓度儀圓柱度儀、輪廓儀、粗糙度儀、材料試驗、金相系統、環境試驗等精密量儀,應用于工業制造,院校教學,質量監督,科技科研等相關領域。 精科公司自成立以來,先后在浙江區域的臺州、杭州、寧波、永康、溫州設立了分公司及辦事處,為客戶滿意而服務。精科公司站在用戶角度以企業的“節約成本,提高質量,科學管理”為導向,擔負著各行業“質量求發展”的使命,始終秉承“誠信為根,服務為本”的經營理念,在用戶朋友及協作單位中有良好的信譽,在行業內較有影響力。現已成為計量檢測儀器行業的熟知品牌。精科公司正迅猛發展,繼續本著“精益求精,全心全意”的服務精神,為中國工業發展和品牌提升,做出更大的貢獻。
拉曼光譜儀 產品信息

Multi-layered graphene sample

Raman image of multi-layered graphene sample

Graphene monolayer, bilayer and other multiple-layer regions identified

StreamLine™ Plus image showing the distribution of different thicknesses within a graphene flake

Map area: 110 µm x 120 µm

Spectra generated: 40,000

Acquisition time: 14 minutes

CVD diamond film

Polished CVD diamond film

Polished surface of polycrystalline diamond film grown by CVD technique

Images show information on crystal shape, orientation, stresses and defect densities

Map area: 175 µm x 88 µm

Spectra generated: 51,200

Acquisition time: 2 imaging experiments, 15 minutes each (first acquisition used to generate three Raman images, second acquisition used to generate photoluminescence image)

Image 1: Raman image showing 1 cm-1 variation in position of the 1332 cm-1 diamond band

Image 2: Raman image showing 2 cm-1 variation in width of the 1332 cm-1 diamond band

Image 3: Raman image showing variation in peak area of the 1332 cm-1 diamond band

Image 4: Photoluminescence image showing variation in the intensity of the 1.68 eV neutral silicon vacancy [Si-V]0 band

Micro indentation in silicon wafer

Silicon indent - peak position map

Peak position

Peak position derived from curve-fit analysis

Map area: 10 µm x 10 µm

Spectra generated: 10,000

Acquisition time: 36 minutes (single acquisition analysed for both images)

Scan details: 100 nm step achieved using piezoelectic scanning stage

Silicon indent - peak area map

Peak width

Peak width derived from curve-fit analysis

Sandstone from Loch Torridon, Scotland

Sandstone from Loch Torridon

StreamLine™ Plus image showing the distribution of Anatase (TiO2) (red), Quartz (SiO2) (green) and Haematite (Fe2O3) (blue)

Area of section: 500 µm x 320 µm

Spectra generated: 67,200

Acquisition time: 20 minutes

Polymer laminate (PS and PMMA)

Polymer laminate (PS and PMMA)

StreamLine™ Plus image of polymer laminate sample showing the distribution of PMMA (red), Epoxy (green) and PS (blue)

Map area: 240 µm x 645 µm

Spectra generated: 17,200

Acquisition time: 7 minutes

Strained S-Ge cross-hatch


StreamLine™ Plus image of a Si-Ge semiconductor sample exhibiting a strained structure. The map shows variation in the Si-Si 510 cm-1 band position (~0.2 cm-1 positional band shift). The map data was generated using curve fitting.

Map area: 129µm x 130µm

Spectra generated: 55,000

Acquisition time: 13 minutes

Tooth section

Raman image of tooth

StreamLine™ Plus image of a sectioned tooth, highlighting the enamel (green), dentine (blue) and areas of high fluorescence (red)

Map area: 9mm x 16mm

Spectra generated: 84,000

Acquisition time: 20 minutes

Multilayred graphene sample

Laser induced crystalline silicon tracks

Laser induced crystalline silicon tracks on amorphous substrate

StreamLine™ Plus image of laser induced crystalline silicon tracks on amorphous substrate

Map area: 550µm x 550µm

Spectra generated: 70,000

Acquisition time: 17 minutes

Zoom of silicon tracks Zoomed region (~ 250µm x 250µm) of above image





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