


USB2000+ 微型光纖光譜儀

  • 公司名稱長春市海洋光電有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地長春市
  • 廠商性質(zhì)其他
  • 更新時間2023/11/16 10:29:27
  • 訪問次數(shù)190

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長春海洋光電有限公司坐落在光電技術(shù)發(fā)達的長春市,公司地理位置*比鄰長春光機所,是一個新型的集研發(fā),生產(chǎn),銷售為一體的高科技光電技術(shù)企業(yè)。海洋光電公司員工和團隊以光電技術(shù)學,光學,化學,計算機軟件學等專業(yè)多學科的老中青三代科技人員為主體,包括博士生導師、教授和科研人才,多名高級工程技術(shù)人員。  海洋光電擁有自主創(chuàng)新,自主研發(fā)的激光器、激光功率計、光源、太陽模擬器、光學晶體、高分辨率紅外激光卡、高精密濾光片、高密度及可定制尺寸光學積分球等產(chǎn)品,為光電科學工作者提供一個較好的產(chǎn)品平臺。為了國家光電技術(shù)的發(fā)展,為了中華民族的光學前景,海洋光電公司員工義不容辭地承擔起光電革命的責任,在當代光電技術(shù)學艱難攀登,在光電技術(shù)化激烈競爭中,艱苦奮斗,奮發(fā)圖強。海洋光電公司員工要以創(chuàng)新性的*實用技術(shù)、優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品、以自己的學識服務于我國光電技術(shù)學,服務于我工作在光電技術(shù)行業(yè)的眾多辛勞的科研工作者,同時更要成為我國高技術(shù)光電產(chǎn)業(yè)的堅固基石和砥柱。
USB2000+微型光纖光譜儀  USB2000+MiniatureFiberOpticSpectrometer  TheUSB2000+MiniatureFiberOpticSpectrometerisauniquecombinationoftechnologiesapowerful2-MHzanalog-to-digital(A/D)converter
USB2000+ 微型光纖光譜儀 產(chǎn)品信息

USB2000+ 微型光纖光譜儀

  USB2000+ Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer

  The USB2000+ Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer is a unique combination of technologies a powerful 2-MHz analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, programmable electronics, a 2048-element CCD-array detector, and a high-speed USB 2.0 port. This innovative combination produces our fastest spectrometer yet and provides resolution to 0.35 nm (FWHM). The USB2000+ allows users to capture and store a full spectrum into memory every millisecond (that's 1,000 full spectra every second) when the spectrometer is interfaced to a computer via a USB 2.0 port. The USB2000+ is perfect for chemical, biochemical and other applications where fast reactions need to be monitored.

  The USB2000+ offers the following features:

  1,000 Full Spectra/Second

  Programmable Microcontroller

  Modular design

  User-configured wavelength range and resolution

  Automatically reads the wavelength calibration coefficients of the spectrometer and configures operating software

  USB-to-PC interface; no external power requirements

  RoHS and CE compliance

  1,000 Full Spectra/Second

  The USB2000+ utilizes an onboard, 2-MHz A/D converter, which allows you to capture and transfer one full spectrum into memory every millisecond when the spectrometer is interfaced to a PC via the USB port.

  Programmable Microcontroller

  The USB2000+ has an onboard programmable microcontroller that provides flexibility in controlling the spectrometer and accessories. Through a 22-pin connector, you can implement all operating parameters in the software, such as controlling external light sources, creating processes and routines and retrieving data from external devices. The USB2000+ gives you access to 10 user-programmable digital I/Os for interfacing to other equipment; one analog input and one analog output; and a pulse generator for triggering other devices. (Programming the I/Os requires SpectraSuite Spectroscopy Operating Software.)

  Facilitated Operation

  Setting up the USB2000+ Spectrometer is easy. The user simply installs our Spectrometer Operating Software and then connects the USB cable from the spectrometer to the computer. Wavelength calibration coefficients unique to each spectrometer are programmed into a memory chip right on the USB2000+; the software simply reads these values from the spectrometer. What's more, the USB2000+ requires no external power supply; it draws its power from the computer. In fact, the USB port can be used to power light sources that connect to the spectrometer.

  Optimal Performance

  The USB2000+ couples a low-cost, high-performance 2048-element linear CCD-array detector with an optical bench that's small enough to fit into the palm of your hand -- the same detector and optical bench that have provided superior performance to the users of our 90,000+ systems out in the field. The USB2000+ also works the same way as other Ocean Optics spectrometers in that it accepts light energy transmitted through single-strand optical fiber and disperses it via a fixed grating across the linear CCD array detector, which is responsive from 200-1100 nm.

  Modular Design

  Just as with all other Ocean Optics user-configured spectrometers, users work with our applications scientists when selecting the USB2000+ -- choosing from 14 gratings, 6 slits and hundreds of fiber optic accessories such as light sources, probes and optical fibers to create the optimal system for their application.

  We also have a limited-time upgrade offer designed especially to enhance your UV sensing and boost UV response by over 20%. The upgrade is available for Gratings 1, 5, 7 and 10.

  Users can also choose from Ocean Optics' complete line of spectroscopic accessories to use with the USB2000+. Most accessories have SMA connectors for application flexibility. Changing the sampling system is as easy as unscrewing a connector and adding new components or accessories, such as light sources, sampling holders, filter holders, flow cells, fiber optic probes and sensors, collimating lenses, attenuators, diffuse reflectance standards, integrating spheres and an extensive line of optical fibers.


USB2000+USB2000+ User-configured Spectrometer. User to specify a USB2000+ Detector (see 2 detector options) and USB2000+ Spectrometer Optical Bench Options
SpectraSuiteSpectraSuite Spectroscopy Operating Software

Serial Port Option

The USB2000+ also has an RS-232 serial port for interfacing to PCs and PLCs. Serial port use requires an external power supply and 9-pin serial cable (USB-ADP-PC).

Cable and Power Supply Options





Cable connects from USB port on USB2000+ to USB port on desktop or notebook PC


Cable and adapter block connect from serial port on USB2000 to serial port on desktop or notebook PC; also comes with USB-CBL-PS 5 VDC power supply


Spare 9-pin serial cable; connects to USB-ADP-H and serial port on desktop or notebook PC


Spare 5 VDD power supply; required if USB2000 interfaces to PC via serial port


Adapter block to use with CBL-SER to connect from serial port on USB2000 to serial port on desktop or notebook PC


Adapter block and cable to conect the PX-2 Pulsed Xenon Lamp or LS-450 Pulsed Blue LED to the USB2000+

ACC-CON-US2Spectrometer accessory connector for external triggering



Dimensions:89.1 mm x 63.3 mm x 34.4 mm
Weight:190 grams


Sony ILX511B linear silicon CCD array

Detector range:200-1100 nm


2048 pixels

Pixel size:

14 μm x 200 μm

Pixel well depth:

~62,500 electrons

Sensitivity:75 photons/count at 400 nm; 41 photons/count at 600 nm
Optical Bench
Design:f/4, Symmetrical crossed Czerny-Turner
Focal length:42 mm input; 68 mm output
Entrance aperture:5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 200 µm wide slits or fiber (no slit)
Grating options:14 different gratings, UV through Shortwave NIR
HC-1 grating option:No
Detector collection lens option:Yes, L2
OFLV filter options:OFLV-200-850; OFLV-350-1000
Other bench filter options:Longpass OF-1 filters
Collimating and focusing mirrors:Standard or SAG+
UV enhanced window:Yes, UV2
Fiber optic connector:SMA 905 to 0.22 numerical aperture single-strand optical fiber
Wavelength range:Grating dependent
Optical resolution:~0.3-10.0 nm FWHM
Signal-to-noise ratio:250:1 (at full signal)
A/D resolution:16 bit
Dark noise:50 RMS counts
Dynamic range:2 x 10^8 (system); 1300:1 for a single acquisition
Integration time:1 ms to 65 seconds
Stray light:<0.05% at 600 nm; <0.10% at 435 nm
Corrected linearity:>99.8%
Power consumption:250 mA @ 5 VDC
Data transfer speed:Full scans to memory every 1 ms with USB 2.0 or 1.1 port, 300 ms with serial port
Analog channels:No
Auto nulling:No
Breakout box compatibility:No
Trigger modes:3 modes
Strobe functions:Yes
Gated delay feature:Yes
Connector:22-pin connector
Operating systems:Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Mac OS X and Linux with USB port; Any 32-bit Windows OS with serial port
Computer interfaces:USB 2.0 @ 480 Mbps; RS-232 (2-wire) @ 57.6 K baud
Peripheral interfaces:I2C inter-integrated circuit






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