YLD236(I)高溫高壓染色機High-temperature,High-pressure Dyeing Machine特點:本系列機用途多,操作方便,適用于化纖、化纖混紡等針織、機織的化學纖維,混紡交織的織物在松弛狀態下進行高溫高壓溢流染色,配合不同規格的噴嘴,以適應厚薄織物的加工。
The machine family featuring wideapplications easy operation is suitable for overflow-dyeing knit wovenfabrics of various chemical fibers,blended fibers,etc andunion cloth in rel axing state under high temperature high pressure Different sizes of nozzles can be ftted for processing thick thin fabrics.
Type:1 tube 2 tubes Capacity:200 kg/tube