


HAAKE 哈克 Viscotester iQ 流變儀

  • 公司名稱廣州來美科技有限公司
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  • 更新時間2023/6/12 17:10:56
  • 訪問次數180

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廣州來美科技有限公司是一家專業(yè)儀器服務及開發(fā)研究的科技公司,主要對粘度計、流變儀研究和開發(fā),另外還代理了其他品牌的各種各類儀器設備; 我們有進口儀器行業(yè)近二十年服務經驗,尤其在粘度流變領域,我們得到了大量用戶反饋的信息,如何做出一臺不容易壞的粘度、流變儀、一臺好用的流變儀(容易清潔、容易操作和容易自己校正)、一臺更高效節(jié)能的產品(升溫20-100℃需要2分鐘,降溫100-20℃需要2分鐘),一臺能測高溫也能測低溫的產品(-5~182℃),一臺沒有壓縮機噪音的產品,一臺自動升降的產品,一臺高兼用性的產品(方便各品牌之間數據交流)......2019款機型 為完成這些使命而生; 廣州來美科技有限公司.....只超越,不跟隨!為粘度計流變儀測量更容易,廣州來美科技有限公司讓我們的工作越來越美。
HAAKE 哈克 Viscotester iQ 流變儀 產品信息

 HAAKE™ Viscotester™ iQ 和 Viscotester iQ Air 流變儀測量和分析多種液體、膏體和半固體樣品的流變學特性。Viscotester iQ 流變儀是一款專為滿足 QC 實驗室日常流變學要求而設計的直觀式解決方案。Viscotester iQ Air 流變儀是目前市售的小的振蕩空氣軸承流變儀。從 簡單的粘度測定到復雜的流變學研究, 這兩款產品均在模塊中設置了新的標準,易于使用、效率提高且配備智能用戶指導。

開發(fā)下一代粘度計的驅動力來自質量控制對于新流變學任務的需求。以 HAAKE Viscotester iQ 流變儀為契機,我們將數十年的流變學經驗與為高度動態(tài)化工作環(huán)境設計的解決方案相結合。我們的目標是通過的操作實現快速、可靠和精確的流變測量。現在,新添 HAAKE Viscotester iQ 流變儀,我們又為您呈獻出這款市售最小的振蕩空氣軸承流變儀。這兩款流變儀,不論哪一款都可以作為獨立的便攜式裝置或者您 QC 實驗室中由軟件控制的組成部分加以使用。


  • 食品

  • 化妝品和制藥

  • 采礦和建筑

  • 石化

  • 聚合物


  • 滿足您的 QC 需求

  • 不同測量配置之間可以方便地互換,實現快速設置和操作

  • 利用全面的測量夾具和配件產品組合,定制您的儀器

  • 高度動態(tài)、強大的 EC 電機,實現大范圍材料和測量的靈活性

  • 可互換的自給自足型 Peltier 或液控溫度模塊,實現的靈活性

  • 可選振蕩模式

  • 多種操作方法:獨立使用、配備全新 HAAKE Viscotester iQ RheoApp 或是全軟件控制,以適合您的使用需求。


  • 讓您的實驗室的 QC 更方便

  • 在設置和處理過程中提供突破性的概念自我解釋,實現防錯操作

  • 智能的升降功能,實現方便、準確、可重現的間隙設置

  • 專為優(yōu)化處理和方便互換而設計的測量夾具

  • 針對平行板的精準樣品裝載,實現測量準確度


  • 指導您的操作員應對每一個測量挑戰(zhàn)

  • 方便的觸摸屏顯示器,實現數字和圖形測量結果的可視化

  • 智能用戶指導,用于測量和評估程序,借助于可用測量范圍的指示選擇合適的任務

  • “Connect Assist”可快速連接測量夾具和溫度模塊,具備的對準、自動識別和反饋,以實現測量優(yōu)化

  • “Temperature Assist”基于動態(tài)熱傳遞模型的快速樣品溫度控制

HAAKE Viscotester iQ rheometer

哈克 IQ流變儀 技術規(guī)格:

扭矩范圍0.2 mNm – 100 mNm
扭矩分辨率: 0.01 mNm
角分辨率1.25 µrad
Angular velocity range: 0.001 rad/s – 157 rad/s
轉速范圍:0.01 rpm – 1500 rpm
重量(公制)18 kg (HAAKE Viscotester iQ rheometer incl. Peltier temperature module, heat exchanger and measuring geometry)
描述HAAKE Viscotester iQ rheometer (ball bearing)
頻率范圍0.1 - 20 Hz
Minimum deflection angle: 10 µrad (option)

Universal Peltier controlled Module (TM-PE-C)
Coaxial cylinders: -5 °C up to 160 °C
Plates and cones: 0 °C up to 140 °C
Depending on ambient temperature

Universal Liquid controlled Module (TM-LI-C32 / – C48)
Coaxial cylinders: -20 °C up to 180 °C
Plates and cones: -10 °C up to 160 °C
Depending on the circulator model and the bath liquid

Peltier controlled Plate (TM-PE-P) 0 °C up to 160 °C

Liquid controlled Plate (TM-LI-P) -20 °C up to 180 °C
Depending on the circulator model and the bath liquid 


Electrically controlled Cylinder (TM-EL-C) up to 300 °C
Available for pressure cell configuration

Measuring MethodIn rotation: Controlled Rate (CR), Controlled Stress (CS)
In oscillation: Controlled Deformation (CD), Controlled Stress (CS)
剪切速率Shear stress range: 0.004 s -1 - 11415 s -1
(Depending on the measuring geometry used. Calculated theoretical values.)
Shear stress range: 0.7 Pa - 63660 Pa
(Depending on the measuring geometry used. Calculated theoretical values.)
粘度范圍In rotation: 0.001 Pa s - 600000 Pa s (Depending on the measuring geometry used. Calculated theoretical values.)
In oscillation: 5 Pa s and higher (option)
測量幾何尺寸Coaxial cylinders, double-gap cylinders, parallel plates, cones, vane rotors
接口TCP/IP for communication with PC
USB: 1 port for USB flash drive for HAAKE Viscotester iQ RheoApp, 1 port for keyboard or barcode reader
Dimensions (L x W x H)270mm x 500mm x 500mm
(HAAKE Viscotester iQ rheometer incl. Peltier temperature module, heat exchanger and measuring geometry)
電源Autoswitch: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
PatentsQuick coupling: DE
Design: Europe 001320964, Japan 1471355, China ZL.6, US
Unit Size-

======================================================================HAAKE 哈克 iQ Air 流變儀 


扭矩范圍0.01 mNm – 100 mNm
扭矩分辨率: 0.001 mNm
角分辨率1.25 µrad
Angular velocity range: 0.001 rad/s – 157 rad/s
轉速范圍:0.01 rpm – 1500 rpm
重量(公制)18 kg (HAAKE Viscotester iQ rheometer incl. Peltier temperature module, heat exchanger and measuring geometry)
描述HAAKE Viscotester iQ Air rheometer (air bearing)
頻率范圍0.1 Hz – 50 Hz
Minimum deflection angle: 10 µrad

Universal Peltier controlled Module (TM-PE-C)
Coaxial cylinders: -5 °C up to 160 °C
Plates and cones: 0 °C up to 140 °C
Depending on ambient temperature

Universal Liquid controlled Module (TM-LI-C32 / – C48)
Coaxial cylinders: -20 °C up to 180 °C
Plates and cones: -10 °C up to 160 °C
Depending on the circulator model and the bath liquid

Peltier controlled Plate (TM-PE-P) 0 °C up to 160 °C

Liquid controlled Plate (TM-LI-P) -20 °C up to 180 °C
Depending on the circulator model and the bath liquid 

 Electrically controlled Cylinder (TM-EL-C) up to 300 °C
Available for pressure cell configuration

Measuring MethodIn rotation: Controlled Rate (CR), Controlled Stress (CS)
In oscillation: Controlled Deformation (CD), Controlled Stress (CS)
剪切速率Shear rate range: 0.004 s -1 - 11415 s -1
(Depending on the measuring geometry used. Calculated theoretical values.)
Shear stress range: 0.04 Pa – 63660 Pa
(Depending on the measuring geometry used. Calculated theoretical values.)
粘度范圍In rotation: 0.001 Pa s - 600000 Pa s (Depending on the measuring geometry used. Calculated theoretical values.)
In oscillation: 0.03 Pa s and higher
測量幾何尺寸Coaxial cylinders, double-gap cylinders, parallel plates, cones, vane rotors
接口TCP/IP for communication with PC
USB: 1 port for USB flash drive for HAAKE Viscotester iQ RheoApp, 1 port for keyboard or barcode reader
Dimensions (L x W x H)270mm x 500mm x 500mm
(HAAKE Viscotester iQ rheometer incl. Peltier temperature module, heat exchanger and measuring geometry)
電源Autoswitch: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
PatentsQuick coupling: DE
Design: Europe 001320964, Japan 1471355, China ZL.6, US
Unit Size-






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