MULTI2000產品系列基于多路復用架構,具有靈活的性價比。 M2M的產品是32x128配置。 還提供16x64,64x256和128x512通道配置。

acquisition | Hardware acquisition gates, software gates, synchronization of gates Acquisition trigger on event (threshold, echo, etc.), acquisition on user-specified trigger (e.g. time, coder) Choice of data (e.g., RF, peaks, elementary A-Scan), real-time imaging, user-specified configuration Public file format for parameters (XML) and data (binary), max. data flow 30 MB/s |
phased-array | Customized focusing, electronic scanning, sectorial scanning Inspection modes: pulse-echo and transmit-receive modes, DDF with dynamic aperture 32 MB hardware RAM (enabling fast multiplexing), corrected images (e.g., sectorial B-Scan, C-Scan) |
pulsers | Adjustable voltage: 30 to 200V with 1V step, negative rectangular pulse Adjustable width: 30 ns to 625 ns, step of 2.5 ns, rise time < 10 ns (200V, 50 ?), max. PRF: 30 KHz |
receivers | Bandwidth: 0.8 to 20 MHz, adjustable gain on each channel from 0 to 80 dB Adjustable analog DAC on 80 dB (max. 40 dB/µs) synchronized on events Cross-talk between two channels > 50 dB, max. input signal amplitude: 0.8 Vpp |
digitizer | Digitizing and real-time summation on 8-channel boards, dynamic range: 10 bits, FIR filters Max. sampling frequency: 100 MHz (adjustable from 100 MHz to 6.6 MHz) Input impedance: 50 ?, global delay: 0 up to 1.6 ms, step of 10 ns Delay-laws at transmission/reception: 0 to 20 µs, step of 2.5 ns Digitizing depth: up to 50,000 samples (4,000 samples max. per elementary channel) |
embedded processors | 2 CPU (PowerPC) on CPU board |
hardware configuration | Multiplexed architecture: 16x64-, 32x128-, and 64x256-channel |
NDT simulation | CIVA subset into Multi2000 software, complete description of the inspection configuration Focal-laws and associated ultrasonic field computation |
compatibility | CIVA, NDT kit / ULTIS |
platform | Windows-based PC, USB2 link between Hardware and PC (desktop or laptop) |
dimensions | (16X64, 32x128) L x W x H: 316mm x 342mm x 133mm - Weight: ~7.5 kg (64x256) L x W x H: 436mm x 449mm x 133mm - Weight: ~11 kg |
I-O | 2 Hypertronix connectors, 8 encoders input, 2 external triggers 1 USB2, 16 analog inputs, 4 LEMO connectors (type 00) (up to 8 optional) |