


VWR 水平超凈工作臺

  • 公司名稱北京美同達科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號3697500
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2023/3/3 11:25:17
  • 訪問次數332

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北京美同達科技有限公司,于2000年12月成立于中關村高科技園區,一家集化學領域產品研發與營銷、技術支持與服務為一體的高科技公司。 美同達公司與多個進口品牌化學品、標準品、配件耗材以及儀器,經營高純化學試劑、標準液體、醫藥中間體、藥典標準品、光譜色譜配件、石油分析標準品、臭氧清毒儀器等廠商合作。 化學品品牌:Sigma、Acros、Tci、 Alfa、Trc、LGC、Wako、Armar、Polystyrene等; 標準品品牌:USP、EP、BP、Accustandard、Dr.e、Well-labs、CIL、Nist、IRMM等; 標準油分析品牌:VHG Labs、Cannon、SQS,ASI 等; 耗材品牌:Perkinelmer、VWR、Chemplex、Brand 、GS-tek、Whatman 、3M 、Thermo、Ted pella 以及PAC旗下石油分析耗材等。 公司服務于ASTM石油測試標準、進口精細化學品、進口配件耗材等領域的客戶。 美同達公司自創立以來,堅持“品質為上、技術為前、服務滿意”的管理理念。致力于成為“化學實驗室供應專家”,以良好的信譽服務于各個領域的用戶。 美同達公司的愿景:推動中國石油科研領域的蓬勃發展,為中國技術化做出一份貢獻。 本公司承諾以保質量、可靠可信、為用戶考慮為原則為用戶提供滿意的服務,在市場經濟中求發展,在業務開拓中求創新,以技術品質升級服務水準,開拓更加廣闊的市場,把實惠留給客戶 - 美同達化學實驗室供應專家。 合作: 美同達在合作客戶選擇中,選擇是否能夠主導整個的整體市場,并且憑借著未來對市場的調查,以環境為主領域進行選擇,也是符合我國當今社會發展需要。 實力: 有實力才能打敗市場的競爭對手,美同達有經驗豐富的化學銷售專家、化學標準樣品咨詢專家、化學品牌維護專家、公司結構上:市場部,,財務部等 經營理念: 隨著市場發展,美同達上層層也真對整體是市場,消費市場,渠道的變化,在經營理念上也發生變化,只有不斷的變化與更新,才能讓美同達發展起來,通過自己的不斷總結的經營理念讓自己在市場上發揮主導銷售作用。 團隊理念: 企業是否合格,團隊更重要,美同達建設一支可以把這里當成家的團隊,以客戶為親人,以品牌為發展,以服務為發展的目標,在工作中發揮團結,只有團結才能成為整體,才能讓美同達在未來的路走的更遠歡迎新老用戶和各界朋友光臨指導,來電來函咨詢、洽談與合作!
VWR 水平超凈工作臺
VWR 水平超凈工作臺 產品信息

Purifier® Horizontal Clean Benches, Labconco® VWR 水平超凈工作臺

The Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench protects your work. It is the ISO Class 5 work station of choice to protect materials that do not generate harmful aerosols or vapors, yet require a particulate-free environment. Purifier Horizontal Clean Benches are offered in 3', 4', 6' and 8' widths and are available with 21" and 26" interior depths. Factory-installed UV lamp with UV scren and interlocking safety switch are also available. Standard on all units is a Type 304 brushed stainless steel work surface and 1/4" thick safety glass side panels. 

The angled profile design means the front panel is free of protrusions that could interfere with visibility or obstruct taller users. Puifier Horizontal Clean Benches feature double-gasket, negative pressure leak protection. 

These clean benches include a 99.99% efficient HEPA, front-mounted light and blower switches and one year warranty on parts and labor. Replaceable prefilters trap large particles and extend filter life. 



For Use With Description Supplier No. Details VWR Catalog Number Unit
IV Bar Kit 3697500 2.3 kg (5 lbs.) 82000-974 Each
0.9m (3') Models Replacement Prefilter 3768900 0.5 kg (1 lbs.) 82000-986 Each
1.2m (4') Models Replacement Prefilter 3768901 0.5 kg (1 lbs.) 82000-988 Each
1.8 m (6') Models Adjustable Base Stand, Telescoping, with Casters 3746714 182.9W x 73.7D x 69.9–85.1H cm (72 x 29 x 271/2–331/2") exterior dimensions, 43.6 kg (96 lbs.) 82003-574 Each
Telescoping Base Stand with Fixed Feet for 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 3255000 58.9 kg (130 lbs.) 89497-262 Each
Telescoping Base Stand with Casters for 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 3255001 58.9 kg (130 lbs.) 89497-264 Each
IV Bar Kit for 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 3697501 2.3 kg (5 lbs.) 89497-266 Each



Electrical Interior Depth Description Weight Exterior Width Supplier No. Exterior Depth VWR Catalog Number Unit
230V/50/60Hz 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 364 lbs. 38" 3889702 34" 89232-230 Each
230V/50/60Hz 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 372 lbs. 38" 3889703 39" 89232-232 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 364 lbs. 38" 3889711 34" 89232-242 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 372 lbs. 38" 3889712 39" 89232-244 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 364 lbs. 38" 3889708 34" 89232-238 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 372 lbs. 38" 3889709 39" 89232-240 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 364 lbs. 38" 3889705 34" 89232-234 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 372 lbs. 39" 3889706 39" 89232-236 Each
230V/50/60Hz 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 364 lbs. 39" 3889722 34" 89232-250 Each
230V/50/60Hz 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 372 lbs. 39" 3889723 39" 89232-252 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 364 lbs. 39" 3889731 34" 89232-262 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 372 lbs. 39" 3889732 39" 89232-264 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 364 lbs. 39" 3889728 34" 89232-258 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 372 lbs. 39" 3889729 39" 89232-260 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 21" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 364 lbs. 39" 3889725 34" 89232-254 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 26" 3' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 372 lbs. 39" 3889726 39" 89232-256 Each
230V/50/60Hz 21" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 455 lbs. 51" 3888422 34" 89232-270 Each
230V/50/60Hz 26" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 465 lbs. 51" 3888423 39" 89232-272 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 21" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 455 lbs. 51" 3888431 34" 89232-282 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 26" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 465 lbs. 51" 3888432 39" 89232-284 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 21" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 455 lbs. 51" 3888428 34" 89232-278 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 26" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 465 lbs. 51" 3888429 39" 89232-280 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 21" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 455 lbs. 51" 3888425 34" 89232-274 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 26" 4' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 465 lbs. 51" 3888426 39" 89232-276 Each
230V/50/60Hz 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 560 lbs. 62" 3250002 34" 89497-226 Each
230V/50/60Hz 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 575 lbs. 62" 3250003 39" 89497-228 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 560 lbs. 62" 3250011 34" 89497-238 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 575 lbs. 62" 3250012 39" 89497-240 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 560 lbs. 62" 3250008 34" 89497-234 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 575 lbs. 62" 3250009 39" 89497-236 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 560 lbs. 62" 3250005 34" 89497-230 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 575 lbs. 62" 3250006 39" 89497-232 Each
230V/50/60Hz 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 560 lbs. 62" 3250022 34" 89497-246 Each
230V/50/60Hz 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 575 lbs. 62" 3250023 39" 89497-248 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 560 lbs. 62" 3250031 34" 89497-258 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 575 lbs. 62" 3250032 39" 89497-260 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 560 lbs. 62" 3250028 34" 89497-254 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 575 lbs. 62" 3250029 39" 89497-256 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 21" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 560 lbs. 62" 3250025 34" 89497-250 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 26" 5' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 575 lbs. 62" 3250026 39" 89497-252 Each
230V 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 645 lbs. 74" 3873002 34" 89232-358 Each
230V 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 660 lbs. 74" 3873003 39" 89232-360 Each
230V CH/AU 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 645 lbs. 74" 3873011 34" 89232-366 Each
230V CH/AU 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 660 lbs. 74" 3873012 39" 89232-368 Each
230V SCHUKO 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 645 lbs. 74" 3873008 34" 89232-362 Each
230V SCHUKO 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 660 lbs. 74" 3873009 39" 89232-364 Each
230V UK 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 645 lbs. 74" 3873005 34" 89232-354 Each
230V UK 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 660 lbs. 74" 3873006 39" 89232-356 Each
230V/50/60Hz 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 645 lbs. 75" 3873022 34" 89232-290 Each
230V/50/60Hz 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 660 lbs. 75" 3873023 39" 89232-292 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 645 lbs. 75" 3873031 34" 89232-302 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 660 lbs. 75" 3873032 39" 89232-304 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 645 lbs. 75" 3873028 34" 89232-298 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 660 lbs. 75" 3873029 39" 89232-300 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 21" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 645 lbs. 75" 3873025 34" 89232-294 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 26" 6' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 660 lbs. 75" 3873026 39" 89232-296 Each
230V 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 835 lbs. 99" 3818502 34" 89232-374 Each
230V 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 855 lbs. 99" 3818503 39" 89232-376 Each
230V CH/AU 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 835 lbs. 99" 3818511 34" 89232-386 Each
230V CH/AU 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 855 lbs. 99" 3818512 39" 89232-388 Each
230V SCHUKO 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 835 lbs. 99" 3818508 34" 89232-382 Each
230V SCHUKO 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 855 lbs. 99" 3818509 39" 89232-384 Each
230V UK 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 835 lbs. 99" 3818505 34" 89232-378 Each
230V UK 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench 855 lbs. 99" 3818506 39" 89232-380 Each
230V/50/60Hz 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 835 lbs. 100" 3818522 34" 89232-310 Each
230V/50/60Hz 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 855 lbs. 100" 3818523 39" 89232-312 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 835 lbs. 100" 3818531 34" 89232-322 Each
230V/50/60Hz CH 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 855 lbs. 100" 3818532 39" 89232-324 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 835 lbs. 100" 3818528 34" 89232-318 Each
230V/50/60Hz SCH 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 855 lbs. 100" 3818529 39" 89232-320 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 21" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 835 lbs. 100" 3818525 34" 89232-314 Each
230V/50/60Hz UK 26" 8' Purifier Horizontal Clean Bench with UV Light 855 lbs. 100" 3818526 39" 89232-316 Each



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