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自2008年成立以來,昊量光電專注于光電領域的技術服務與產品經銷,致力于引進國外很具*性與創新性的光電技術與可靠產品,為國內前沿的科研與工業領域提供優質的產品與服務,助力中國智造與中國創造! 目前,昊量光電已經與來自美國、歐洲、日本的多家光電產品制造商建立了緊密的合作關系。其代理品牌均處于相關領域的發展前沿,產品包括各類激光器、光電調制器、光學測量設備、精密光學元件等,所涉足的領域涵蓋了材料加工、光通訊、生物醫療、科學研究與國防等。




多波長橢偏儀/膜厚測量儀 產品信息









                          AUTFS-1 Mounted on Kurt Lesker ALD Chamber                                                              AUT FS-1 Mounted on AJA Sputter Chamber


1聚焦選項:將樣品上的光束縮小至0.8 x 1.9 mm 或0.3 x 0.7 mm




  •  多波長

  • 橢偏檢測器中無移動部件

  • 優異的測量精度(優于0.001nm)

  • 可原位測量



“These FS-1 ellipsometers are one of the best upgrades to our atomic layer processing reactors, and have now become an integral part of all our experiments on ALD and ALE.”

 ——Dr. Sumit Agarwal - Colorado School of Mines 


 ——Sumit Agarwal博士-科羅拉多礦業學院

“The Film Sense FS-1 in situ ellipsometer has greatly facilitated data acquisition and understanding of the thin film deposition processes in our lab. The instrument was relatively easy to incorporate onto a vacuum chamber, and includes a user-friendly manual and tutorial to explain basic operation. With this tool, we are able to collect much more information during a deposition, including measurements between ALD half-cycles that are not feasible with ex situ techniques. These ellipsometers have become an integral part of our laboratory research, and we look forward to continuing to work with Film Sense in the future."

——Rachel Nye, PhD - student in Chemical Engineering     Parsons Research Group, North Carolina State University

“薄膜傳感FS-1原位橢偏儀極大地促進了我們實驗室的數據采集和對薄膜沉積過程的理解。該儀器相對容易合并到,并包括一個用戶友好的手冊和教程來解釋基本操作。有了這個工具,我們可以在沉積過程中收集更多的信息,包括在ALD半個周期之間的測量,而這在原位技術中是不可實現的。這些橢圓計已經成為我們實驗室研究的一部分,我們期待著在未來繼續與Film Sense合作。”

 —— 瑞秋·奈,化學工程博士生  帕森斯研究小組,北卡羅萊納州立大學

“Overall performance, affordability and ease of use has made the FS-1 a workhorse for our ALD process as well as equipment development efforts.  The next generation FS-1EX provides a combination of higher beam intensity and wider spectral range improving both precision and accuracy.  For metallic thin films such as TiN, Pt and Ru, two additional IR wavelengths enhance the ability to monitor film thickness and resistivity in-situ during growth.  This enhanced performance helps us to streamline development efforts by effectively understanding the impact of different process conditions on film quality in real-time.”

——Bruce Rayner - Principal Scientist       Atomic Layer Deposition, Kurt J. Lesker Company

“FS-1的整體性能、可承受性和易用性使其成為我們ALD工藝和設備開發的主力。下一代FS-1EX提供了更高的光束強度和更寬的光譜范圍的組合,提高了精度和精度。對于金屬薄膜,如TiN, Pt和Ru,兩個額外的IR波長增強了在生長過程中監測薄膜厚度和電阻率的能力。通過實時有效地了解不同工藝條件對膠片質量的影響,這種增強的性能有助于我們簡化開發工作。”

——Bruce Rayner - Kurt J. Lesker公司原子層沉積科學家

"The FS-1 is an excellent basic ellipsometer. Reliable, easy to use, low maintenance, and great value for money. Films Sense have been great at helping us characterize our thin films, and get accurate measurements. Fully recommended. ”

——Dr Ruy Sebastian Bonilla - Research Fellow     Oxford Materials Department

“FS-1是一款優良的基礎橢偏計。可靠,易于使用,低維護,和巨大的價值。“Film Sense”在幫助我們描述我們的薄膜和獲得精確的測量方面做得很好。推薦。”

——Ruy Sebastian Bonilla博士-牛津大學材料系研究員

“We have purchased four Film Sense products for our small R&D group.  We have three FS-1 units and one FS-1EX unit with the RT300 mapping stage.  The Film Sense software is the most intuitive and easiest to use of all the ellipsometers I have experience using.  Our favorite feature is the multi-sample analysis method.   This feature allows you to determine the optical constants for new or poorly fitting films by simply measuring a small number of samples with various thicknesses.  Having knowledge of the actual thickness values is not even necessary.  The software understands the optical constants must be the same for all samples, and each sample varies only in thickness.  The user just needs to collect the data and press the fit button.  New films layers are created in just a couple of minutes.  We also love the automatic adjustment for sample height on the RT300 mapping stage.  Our process engineers are constantly adjusting the height on competitor’s units without this automatic feature.”

——Staff Systems Engineer at large semiconductor OEM

“我們已經為我們的小研發團隊購買了四款Film Sense產品。我們有三個FS-1單元和一個FS-1EX單元與RT300繪圖階段。在我使用過的所有橢偏儀中,Film Sense軟件是蕞直觀和蕞容易使用的。我們蕞喜歡的特征是多樣本分析方法。這個特性允許您通過簡單地測量少量不同厚度的樣品來確定新的或不合適的薄膜的光學常數。甚至沒有必要了解實際厚度值。該軟件理解所有樣品的光學常數必須相同,并且每個樣品只在厚度上變化。用戶只需要收集數據并按下適合按鈕。只需幾分鐘就能創建出新的膠片層。我們也喜歡在RT300繪圖臺上自動調整樣品高度。我們的工藝工程師一直在調整競爭對手產品的高度,但沒有這種自動功能。”


"The Film Sense FS-1 is a powerful and reliable tool for in-situ characterization of ALD films. The real-time dynamic thickness measurements were critical to understanding the growth characteristics of multicomponent oxides, such as lead zirconate-titanate (PZT), which I studied for my dissertation research through the University of Maryland. The in-situ thickness data I collected with the FS-1 allowed me to screen precursors much more quickly than if I had to rely on ex-situ characterization methods. I continuously used the FS-1 for over five years and haven't experienced any downtime other than during occasional realignments when switching from ex-situ to in-situ measurement modes. The FS-1 would make a valuable addition to any laboratory looking to enhance their nondestructive thin-film thickness measurement capability."

——Nicholas A Strnad, Ph. D.

“Film Sense FS-1是一種強大而可靠的ALD薄膜原位表征工具。實時動態厚度測量對于了解鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)等多組分氧化物的生長特性至關重要,這是我在馬里蘭大學進行論文研究時所研究的。與非原位表征方法相比,我使用FS-1收集的原位厚度數據使我能夠更快地篩選前體。我連續使用FS-1五年多了,除了從原位測量模式切換到原位測量模式時偶爾進行重新調整外,沒有經歷過任何停機。FS-1將為任何希望增強其無損薄膜厚度測量能力的實驗室提供有價值的補充。”
——Nicholas A Strnad博士

"To summarize our nearly 5-year ownership experience of the FS-1 tool, all I can say, it’s most probably by far the highest performance/cost tool I have ever acquired in my independent research career. Besides the tool itself, as an ellipsometry expert, Film Sense has been very responsive to our data analysis/fit inquiries and saved us valuable research time by sharing his expertise. We are looking forward to getting their latest generation system with additional features that we can integrate for good on either of the reactors. Right now, our single FS-1 tool is going back-and-forth between thermal and plasma reactor based on our needs."

——Necmi Biyikli, Assistant Professor,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Connecticut

“總結我們對FS-1工具近5年的擁有經驗,我只能說,它可能是迄今為止我在獨立研究職業生涯中獲得的性能/成本蕞高的工具。除了工具本身,作為一個橢偏儀專家,Film Sense已經非常響應我們的數據分析/合適的詢問,并通過分享他的專業知識節省了我們寶貴的研究時間。我們期待著得到他們的系統,附加的功能,我們可以在任何一個反應堆上集成。現在,我們單一的FS-1工具正在根據我們的需要在熱反應堆和等離子反應堆之間來回切換。”
—— Necmi Biyikli助理教授     電子與計算機工程,康涅狄格大學

"The system (FS-XY150) is great and we are having an increase of users using it. I am happy with the system and I direct users to use it when I am training them on our ALD deposition system. It gives great results and the customer support is quick and helpful too."

——Tony Whipple, Scientist   Minnesota Nano Center

——托尼·惠普爾,科學家   明尼蘇達納米中心






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