無線毛細管納升注射泵NanoW 可以作為腦立體定位儀的一個附件。與全自動電動立體定位結合類似于全自動微量注射器適用于高精度的微量注射。也可以作為一個獨立的裝置用于卵母細胞或胚胎注射。
可由 iPhone/ iPad 控制(可選)
用戶可以自定義注射量從 1 nl 開始
用戶自定義注射速率從 2 nl/s 開始
可以安裝在顯微操作器 / 立體定位儀上
Robot 模式結合電動立體定位的多位點注射
與微軟的 Windows 操作系統( XP/ VISTA /7 )兼容
NanoW – Wireless Capillary Nanoinjector
The Neurostar wireless glass-capillary Nanoinjector was specially designed to perform accurate ultraprecise nanoliter volume injections. NanoW uses borosilicate capillaries that can be pulled to ultrathin tips to achieve minimal harm to the tissue.
NanoW can be used as a standalone device for oocyte or embryo injections, but also attached to a stereotaxic instrument. In combination with the Motorized Stereotaxic it benefits of the Robot features making it an Nanoinjection Robot, similar to to Microinjection Robot.
Wireless Glass-Capillary Ultraprecise Nanoinjector
Computer controlled, intuitive interface
iPhone/iPad control (optional)
User defined Injection Volumes, starting from 1 nl
User defined Injection Rates, starting from 2 nl/s
Uses direct piston displacement
In Vitro or In Vivo experiments
Can be mounted on micromanipulators/stereotaxic
Robot Mode, Multisite Injections in combination with the Motorized Stereotaxic
Compatible with Microsoft Windows OS (XP/Vista/7)