條形碼檢測儀 |
TruCheck401和TruCheck USB條形碼檢測儀符合MIL-STD 130M,ISO-16022, ISO-15415, 以及AIQG AS9132系統等級的要求。主要應用于標簽、銘牌和直接印記碼的檢測。以美國國家標準研究所的NIST為標準,TruCheck是目前滿足所有規格要求的系統,滿足所有UID條形碼檢測儀要求。
Unused Error Correction ISO or AIM Verification
operation Verification Services Now Available! Contact Us for Details Application: TruCheck 401 and TruCheck USB barcode verifier conforms to MIL-STD 130N and meet system grading requirements according to all of the following specifications: ISO 16022, ISO 15415, AIQG AS9132. or AIM-DPM. TruCheck works on labels, nameplates, and direct parts marks. TruCheck is calibrated with standards that are NIST traceable. Optionally, it can also be used for linear and 2D (PDF417 and Code 39) verification with the addition of the TruSweep laser scanning head. Product Information/Reporting: TruCheck is simply the most accurate bar code verifier on the market! If you are tired of the inconsistent results that hand-held verifiers produce, TruCheck is the system for you! Engineered for repeatability, the TruMatrix imaging head, combined with integrated 45 degree or combination 30/45/90 degree illumination in a rugged housing, provides ideal conditions for verification with the CCD-based imager. After simple calibration, there is nothing to focus or align. You are guaranteed the most accurate and stable verification results available. TruMatrix eliminates operator variables resulting in accurate results. Optional linear verification can be accomplished by expanding TruCheck with the TruSweep laser scanning head for linear and 2D (PDF417 & Code 39) verification. With the touch of a button, the TruSweep head automatically provides multiple scans from top to bottom on the code. |
競陽科技是集*和信息服務于- -體的高科技公司 ,我們致力于條形碼和RFID自動識別與數據采集技術、條碼應用系統集成等領域多項高、精、尖技術的開發研究憑借多年來所積累的技術能力和行業經驗為以生產制造業和物流業為主的各行業以及政府部[ ]提供完善的解決方案及優質的信息服務。企業擁有一支年輕化、 知識化、勇于開拓創新的團隊,擁有專業的企業管理咨詢和的軟件開發人員為客戶提供強大的技術服務保障。在條碼系統開發和集成方面,競陽科技在國內同行業中-直處于地位。針對客戶的需求,結合條碼自動識別技術、數據庫技術、802.11無線網絡技術、移動計算技術,我們推出了各種不同行業的條碼解決方案。目前我們的產F品和解決方案已廣泛應用于全國的的工業、物流、醫藥、貿易、零售業、政府部門等領域。專業、快捷、周到的服務幫助客戶提高管理水平、降低生產成本.增進經濟效益。
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