


米朗MRG-3232 (3L)微電腦型稀油油脂一體潤滑油泵(3L全自動稀油泵)

  • 公司名稱深圳市米朗科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2022/11/24 12:54:05
  • 訪問次數(shù)225

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深圳市米朗科技有限公司是經深圳市政府認定的。米朗公司自2003年成立以來,長期致力于位移傳感器的設計開發(fā)、生產和銷售,至今已有近20年的豐富經驗,現(xiàn)今已成為技術成熟,擁有眾多*人才和*設備的傳感器生產廠家,米朗品牌的產品現(xiàn)已經廣泛應用于各類自動化控制領域,現(xiàn)每年大約有30萬只左右的電子尺銷往世界各地。我們的發(fā)展方向是:以技術創(chuàng)新為核心,以客戶的需求為導向,將會一直致力于在位移、物位、角度等測控領域為客戶提供一站式解決方案的產品和服務。 公司主要生產經營:電位計/電阻式原理位移傳感器(電子尺)、拉繩式位移傳感器(拉繩式電子尺)、磁致伸縮原理位移傳感器(無接觸磁感應電子尺)、磁致伸縮原理液位傳感器(液位計測控系統(tǒng))、電位計原理以及霍爾磁敏非接觸式角度傳感器(角度尺)以及配套使用的V/A轉換模塊、LVDT差動變壓位移傳感器、電渦流位移傳感器、磁柵尺、傾角傳感器、測斜儀、超聲波位移傳感器、顯示控制器及相關應用型產品。所有產品的核心材料均來自國外進口;產品設計理念,取國外品牌眾家之長;2013年后推出的新產品是結合本公司10余年的生產工藝經驗和客戶長期使用效果反復改進后而誕生,新款產品各項性能指標在結合新工藝的嫻熟技術下,已經取得重大突破,并且已榮獲國家多項實用新型證書。 公司另外一個獨立部門為:潤滑油泵事業(yè)部門,該部門主要生產研發(fā)各種自動化機械以及工程車輛用的全自動以及半自動潤滑油泵系統(tǒng),設計理念引進國內外標準,給您的機械保駕護航,提供基礎潤滑服務,保證長期潤滑可靠。 公司總部設立在深圳市光明*園區(qū)的核心位置,設有工程部、研發(fā)中心、制造部、檢測中心、售后服務部、營銷部以及遍布全國的直銷辦事處、代理商和經銷商,為廣大客戶提供周到、及時的服務。公司在湖北省襄陽市有300多畝的現(xiàn)代化工業(yè)園區(qū),擁有10000多平米的無塵潔凈車間,引進現(xiàn)代化制造與檢測設備3000余臺。公司所有產品均取得CE、*,并獲得ISO9001:2008國際質量體系認證,嚴格按照國際質量認證標準組織設計、生產和銷售,確保產品質量、用戶滿意。我們的優(yōu)勢: 一、強大的研發(fā)力量,在電子尺基板中采用電腦修刻技術,打造精雕細琢的線性精度;公司繼掌握了基于電位計原理“位移傳感器”*技術后,先后又自主開發(fā)出了基于磁致伸縮原理的非接觸式位移傳感器,拉繩式位移傳感器和角度傳感器。所有產品均有自主知識產權,并且獲得相關技術行業(yè),技術水平在行業(yè)內取得重大突破。 二、苛刻的各項檢測環(huán)境要求,每一批產品出廠之前都要經過震動試驗、高低溫試驗、電磁干擾測試、壽命檢測、防爆測試等等,以確保產品質量可靠、。 三、強大的生產力量,公司在深圳光明新區(qū)和湖北襄陽都設立有生產基地,供貨及時,現(xiàn)貨充足,可以滿足大批量訂貨的需求。 四、完善的銷售和售后服務體系。公司立足深圳,在各地主要工業(yè)聚集地設立多個直屬辦事機構,并廣泛發(fā)展代理商和經銷商,所有出廠產品均可獲得專業(yè)的終身維護。 公司秉承“精益求精、用戶至上、誠信為本”的宗旨,為客戶提供優(yōu)質的產品和服務。歡迎廣大客戶來電、來函、來信,咨詢、洽談、合作或者光臨指導。并歡迎廣大客戶結合自身需求,溝通我司定制相關產品。
米朗MRG-3232 (3L)微電腦型稀油油脂一體潤滑油泵(3L全自動稀油泵) 產品信息

  • 米朗MRG-3232 (3L)微電腦型稀油油脂一體潤滑油泵(3L全自動稀油泵)米朗MRG-3232 (3L)微電腦型稀油油脂一體潤滑油泵(3L全自動稀油泵)米朗MRG-3232 (3L)微電腦型稀油油脂一體潤滑油泵(3L全自動稀油泵)

    *型號帶T為抵抗式,帶X為容積式,不帶" A"為異步電機
    *Mode name with " T" is resistant, mode name with “X” is volumetric,without A is asynchronous motor

    1 .加油時間由控制面板右側的上升(U P延長時間)和下降(D O W N縮短時間)按鍵設定,最長加油時間可達2 0 0秒,精度為1 秒。間歇時間由控制面板左側的上升(U P延長時間)和下降(D O W N縮短時間)按鍵設定, 間歇時間最長可達9 9 9分鐘, 精度為0 . 1分鐘。時間設定時按一次按鍵, 跳動數(shù)為1,按住按鍵不放,跳動可以加速,所有設定在設定完成后或按手動(M a n)按鍵后,即刻生效。
    2.當油泵顯示ERP報警時,表示壓力不足,檢查壓力正常時,輕按一下(Man)按鍵, 消除報警。
    3.當油泵顯示ERO時,表示油量不足, 加油后自動消除報警。
    ( 可根據(jù)客戶需要定做專屬潤滑方案)

    1.Fuel supply time is set by the UP button(extending the time) and DOWN button(shortening the time) on the right side of the control panel, which can reach up to 200 seconds, with the precision of 1 second. Intermittent time is set by the UP button(extending the time) and DOWN button(shortening the time) on the left side of the control panel, which can reach up to 999 minutes, with the precision of 0.1 minute. When setting the time, the beat number is 1 if you press the button once. The beat number can be accelerated if you hold down the button. All the settings will take effect immediately after the setting is completed or after the Man button is pressed.
    2.When the oil pump shows the EPR alarm, it indicates that the pressure is insufficient. If the the pressure is normal, press the Man button to eliminate the alarm.
    3.When the oil pump shows the ERO alarm, the oil quantity is insufficient, and the alarm will be automatically eliminated after refueling.
    4.Holding down the Man button is dynamic test.
    (specific lubrication plan can be customized)

       Shenzhen Miran Technology Co.,Ltd is located at the front place in Chinese Economic Reform -- Guangming district, Shenzhen. Miran is High-tech enterprises which is recognized by Shenzhen municipal government, and awarded National high technology enterprise identification certificate
    Miran Technology has been dedicated to all kinds of sensors, centralized lubricating oil pump system and rail transit measurement products, research and development, production, sales. MIRAN brand series products is widely used in various Automation Control at domestic also overseas and mechanical equipment measurement field. 
    Main products include: Resistance type, Magneto-Resistive type , Magnetic gate type displacement sensor, Draw wire displacement sensor, Magnetostrictive displacement/liquid level sensor, Angle、inclinometer、Eddy current、Ultrasonic、Pressure sensor,LVDT differential transformer displacement sensor, Various signal conversion modules, Display Digital display controller,Automatic lubrication oil pump、gauging rule、Contact Net, and other high-speed rail traffic detection equipment
        In order to satisfy the growing needs of customers, In 2007, our company went the beautiful Emperor city - zaoyang, Hubei Province, invested 500 million yuan to prepare building the intelligent Miran technology Industrial Zone, it is located at
    the intersection of Development Road and West Jianshe Road in zaoyang city, cover 200,000 square meters,now has been built 60,000 square meters. Beautiful Environment, Standardized Plant, Sophisticated intelligent equipment, perfect production line, provided solid foundation for product quality and large-scale mass production.
    Our company has 50,000 square meters standardized workshop and more than 3,000 sets Production equipment. Scientific and technological innovation is the motivation of enterprise’s healthy, sustainable and rapid development. As a science and technology enterprise,our company has always put product research and development in an important position, ensure Talents guarantee contentment,fund guarantee contentment, material guarantee contentment. Our company has set up an Industry-University-Research platform with Huazhong university of science and technology since 2017, set up sensor research and development center, founded huazhong university of science and technology -- Miran production practice base, Organize students from Huazhong University of science and technology to practical training in the company in batches, and provide research and development projects to the university regularly. Through nearly 20 years of efforts, our company's sensor program has become the industry leader in Asia, each year we provide more than 600,000 pieces high quality sensors to both domestic and overseas market. Our products have been widely used in displacement measurement system of Industrial control automation, Lubrication system of transmission equipment, Railway monitoring and other fields, The product reliability、stability、accuracy、anti-adverse environment, and other performance has been widely recognized by the market, Sensor Series products researched by our company, Awarded CE certification from EU, also obtained all kinds of patent certificates along this industry, Our magnetostrictive displacement/liquid level sensor series products, awarded the National Explosion Proof Certificate. Our company and Shanghai Tongji university, Cooperate to develop rail transit detection equipment project, successful development of gauging rule, awarded National Academy of railway science and technology certification, gauging rule series products have been successfully launched to the market, and got good reputation from the customers, contact net products has been developed successfully, it is being tested across national railway system.
    In 2003, our company introduced many domestic and oversea top technical talents,Invested in mechanical lubrication pump system industry, Developed all kinds of centralized lubricating oil pump system products. Machinery can’t run without sensors, and also lubricant pumps,Miran company's lubricat pump after several generations of updates,The pumps can absolutely satisfy the requirements of lubrication program for all kinds of domestic and oversea automation machinery,Advanced product technology, abundant species, has been in leading position among the industry.Our company has abundant technical strength reserve, standard management, regard protection of intellectual property rights. Now Miran has 45 effective invention and utility model patents, 35 appearance patents ,the reserves of technical power, c*ted a new growth point for the development of enterprise strategy. Site management is the quality assurance, In order to provide customers  high quality products, our company strengthened the site management to create a good production environment for employees, our company has obtained ISO9001:2000 international quality system certification, and ISO9001:2008 international quality system certification.Increasing the construction of information, Miran company keep pace with the pace of The Times,implement the enterprise plus Internet project,Strengthen the training of Internet talents, to ensure the company's products and talent quality always in the world's leading position.
    Company obedience to the tenet "Quality First, Keep Improving, Customer first", provide better quality products and better service to customers. Design and manufacture strictly accordance with International Quality Certification Standards, MIRAN series products also awarded Hubei province famous trademark, and obtained the "contract and credit" unit in hubei provinc
    In The Present World, science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, but we strive for excellent,Strive to do well in our own professional field of products; We operate in good faith, and constantly explore advanced ideas。We are ready to do our part to achieve the goal of “Made in China 2025 , and help the Chinese economy keep moving forward.

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