



  • 公司名稱惠州費希爾閥門有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號OKE
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2022/11/2 14:22:30
  • 訪問次數352

在線詢價收藏產品 點擊查看電話
惠州費希爾閥門有限公司專業代理進口閥門企業、擁有30多年經營閥門經驗,閥門嚴格按照標準檢測,確保所有閥門出廠合格。產品各地、是國內閥門行業較具有實力的營銷及售后服務的企業。我司長期致力于苛刻流體控制系統的現代化企業。公司秉承“質量為本,顧客至上”的經營理念,以優質的產品和完善的售后服務深得廣大用戶的信賴和贊譽?;葜葙M希爾閥門有限公司是專職代理、銷售高檔次進口閥門及執行機構之企業,擁有美國歐可(OKE)品牌在中國大陸地區一級代理權。已成為中國大陸地區經營品牌為齊全的專業閥門代理公司之一。憑借多年的穩定市場銷售和良好信譽,與國外眾多生產廠家建立了穩定的合作關系。 美國歐可主營產品:進口球閥、進口閘閥、進口蝶閥、進口底閥、進口調節閥、進口電磁閥、進口截止閥、進口止回閥、進口疏水閥、進口刀型閘閥、進口角座閥、進口放料閥、進口過濾器、進口針型閥、進口安全閥、進口旋塞閥、進口柱塞閥、進口平衡閥、進口氣動閥門、進口電動閥門、進口高壓閥門、進口中壓閥門、進口低壓閥門、進口高溫閥門、進口高溫高壓閥門、進口保溫閥門、進口水力控制閥、進口真空閥門、進口不銹鋼閥門、進口襯膠閥門、進口襯氟閥門、進口蒸汽閥門、進口美標閥門、進口德標閥門、進口波紋管閥門、進口衛生級閥門、美國歐可OKE閥門品牌等。產品廣泛應用于電站、石化、鍋爐、空調、機械設備等諸多領域;尤其適用于各種工況,如:高溫、高壓、超低溫、強腐蝕、潔凈、精確控制等場合。 惠州費希爾閥門能為客戶提供成套的流體控制系統、集成設備與專業的技術咨詢,及專業的流體控制服務。所有產品均符合國際上嚴格的標準,為更加便捷的服務于客戶,公司辦事處設在廣東省惠州市,解決客戶日常問題。我們擁有專業性強和經驗豐富的技術團隊,可以為您量身定制流體控制解決方案。我們從產品技術交流、產品選型、直至現場指導安裝、調試以及售后服務都精心負責,本著“為客戶創造有價值的服務”的宗旨,向客戶提供世界上*的流體控制產品的同時,并腳踏實地地完善好每一項服務,真正地做到了為客戶提供極有價值的服務。
進口氣瓶減壓閥/減壓器 產品信息

進口氣瓶減壓閥,Cylinder pressure reducing valve,就是將氣體鋼瓶中的高壓氣體減為實驗及工況所需的低壓氣體壓力的減壓閥。采用活塞式減壓結構,輸出壓力穩定,主要用于石油化工、化纖、照明電器、熱處理、冶金、玻璃、食品、醫藥、電子、國防航天、航空等主導領域的氮氣鋼瓶,氧氣鋼瓶,氦氣鋼瓶,氫氣鋼瓶,氬氣鋼瓶,乙炔鋼瓶的出口減壓。

部位名稱 材質
母體 316L,Brass
上蓋 316L,Brass
膜片 316L
過濾網 316L(10μm)
閥座 PCTFE,PTFE,Vespel
彈簧 316L
閥芯頂桿 316L
輸入壓力 15Mpa,20Mpa,25Mpa 6000PSI,3000PSI,500PSI
輸出壓力 0-0.1Mpa,0-1Mpa,0-5Mpa,0-10Mpa,0-15Mpa 0~25,0~100,0~300,0-3000PSI
進口規格 G1/4,G1/2,G5/8,G1
出口規格 G1/4,G1/2,G5/8,G1,卡套
測試壓力: 1.5倍的輸入壓力
適用溫度 -40°F 至+165°F(-40℃至+74℃)


 ▲ 注意:打開供氣閥門時,人體不得正對或背對減壓器。
▲ 注意:在減壓器供氣過程中,如果發現有任何異常的機械振動、噪音、卡住或壓力異常升高的現象,表明減壓器已存在故障,應立即停止使用。


Imported gas cylinder pressure reducing valve
I. Overview of imported gas cylinder pressure reducing valve
Brand: US Ouke OKE
The Cylinder pressure reducing valve is a pressure reducing valve that reduces the high pressure gas in the gas cylinder to the low pressure gas pressure required for the experimental and working conditions. It adopts piston type decompression structure and stable output pressure. It is mainly used in nitrogen steel cylinders, oxygen cylinders, helium gas in the leading fields of petrochemical, chemical fiber, lighting, heat treatment, metallurgy, glass, food, medicine, electronics, defense aerospace, aviation, etc. Cylinder, hydrogen cylinder, argon cylinder, acetylene cylinder outlet decompression.
All kinds of gases are generally stored in special high-pressure gas cylinders. When used, the gas pressure is reduced to the required range by the pressure reducing valve, and then finely adjusted by other control valves to make the gas input into the system. Since the pressure inside the cylinder is high, and the pressure required for gas welding and gas cutting and use points is small, a pressure reducer is required to reduce the higher pressure gas stored in the cylinder to a low pressure gas, and it should be ensured. The required working pressure is stable from start to finish. The imported cylinder pressure reducing valve is an adjusting device that reduces the high pressure gas to a low pressure gas and keeps the pressure and flow rate of the output gas constant.

Second, the characteristics of imported gas cylinder pressure reducing valve product parameters:
1, material:
Part name material
Mother 316L, Brass
Cover 316L, Brass
Diaphragm 316L
Filter 316L (10μm)
Seat PCTFE, PTFE, Vespel
Spring 316L
Spool ejector 316L
2. Scope of application:
Semiconductor process, laboratory, gas phase analysis, test instrumentation, petrochemical industry, power plant equipment
3. Pressure characteristic parameters:
Maximum input pressure 15Mpa, 20Mpa, 25Mpa 6000PSI, 3000PSI, 500PSI
Output pressure 0-0.1Mpa, 0-1Mpa, 0-5Mpa, 0-10Mpa, 0-15Mpa 0~25, 0~100, 0~300, 0-3000PSI
Import specifications G1/4, G1/2, G5/8, G1
Export specifications G1/4, G1/2, G5/8, G1, card sets
Test pressure: 1.5 times the maximum input pressure
Applicable temperature -40°F to +165°F (-40°C to +74°C)

Third, the import cylinder pressure reducing valve installation instructions
1. Use the lower wrench to connect the pressure reducer into the gas outlet thread and the gas cylinder valve thread or the high and low pressure side pipeline to prevent gas leakage. Do not turn the pressure reducer body. Hold the body and turn the nut to tighten.
2. During the installation process, it should be ensured that the connection between the inlet and outlet of the pressure reducer and the pressure reducer will not loosen, otherwise it will cause gas leakage and cause serious safety hazards.
3. Thoroughly remove the oil, water and dust from the connection between the cylinder and the piping system and the pressure reducer. Once the impurities enter the gas pressure reducer, it will cause polluting gas, block the gas passage or cause other troubles.
4. If the thread on the pipeline is deformed and cannot be installed smoothly with the gas pressure reducer, do not forcibly connect it. Otherwise, the thread on the piping system and the gas pressure reducer will be damaged, causing serious accidents.

Fourth, the import cylinder pressure reducing valve operation instructions
1. Before the gas enters the pressure reducer, it must be confirmed that the piping system (including the pressure reducer) has been purged or vacuumed as required.
2. Before the gas enters the pressure reducer, make sure that the pressure regulator handle is fully loosened (turn the pressure knob counterclockwise), otherwise the instantaneous pressure at the initial stage of air supply may damage the diaphragm, resulting in decompression. Invalid device, in severe cases, endangers personal safety.
3. Slowly open the air supply valve on the inlet side of the pressure reducer, and use a special tester for soap and water to check the connection of the pressure reducer.
?▲ Note: When opening the air supply valve, the human body must not face or face the pressure reducer.
4. Turn the pressure reducer knob clockwise to adjust the pressure (or flow rate) to the desired scale indication position, and use soapy water or a special detector to check the connections of the pressure reducer.
▲ Note: If any abnormal mechanical vibration, noise, jamming or abnormal increase in pressure is found during the supply of the pressure reducer, it indicates that the pressure reducer has a fault and should be stopped immediately.

V. US Ou OKe imported gas cylinder pressure reducing valve use performance
China Aerospace First Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou Institute of Space Technology and Physics, People's Liberation Army Air Force Engineering University, Jiangsu Tianrui Instrument Co., Ltd., Changsha Kaiyuan Instrument Co., Ltd., Tsinghua University, Texas Instruments Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shandong Fenglong High Pressure Gas Bottle Co., Ltd., Valero Energy Company, Huizhou Fangzhou Industrial Gas Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Tongguang Petrochemical Industrial Gas Co., Ltd., Guangdong Guanhao Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Beijing General Analysis Instrument Co., Ltd., etc.






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