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上海玉研科學儀器有限公司是一家專業為動物實驗、動物研究領域提供科學儀器和技術服務的公司。我們著力引進國外的*科學儀器和實踐經驗,選擇使用廣泛、應用成熟、性能*的實驗儀器和實驗方法,為國內實驗室建設、研究課題進展提供科學、合理的解決方案。  玉研儀器專注于生理、藥理、毒力等動物實驗和研究的相關領域,為客戶提供動物檢驗、生理機能、呼吸血壓麻醉、行為學、肺功能研究等多方面的科學儀器產品和相關服務。我們已經與國際上眾多科學儀器研發機構建立了良好的合作渠道,并取得了多家廠商在中國的代理權,如:Vitalab、Pinnacle、Harvard、Starr Life、IITC、Stoelting、Union Biometrica、Stoelting等等。  玉研儀器致力于真誠為客戶帶來價值。  我們的宗旨:客戶的肯定是我們的成功?! ∥覀兊姆绽砟睿洪_拓、創新、務實、服務,為客戶提供專業、優質的服務。  我們的企業使命:為動物實驗基礎研究領域提供技術產品和專業服務,為祖國的科技進步和健康事業發展做出更大貢獻?!∮裱袃x器公司——專注于動物實驗設備的技術產品和專業服務  動物手術方案:, , , 監護儀, 動物保溫, 電凝, 手術器械, 縫合器, 快速消毒器等  生理指標檢測:血壓, 組織血流量檢測, 心電監護, 脈搏血氧, 呼吸監測, 心電遙測等  檢驗類儀器:血液分析, 生化檢驗, 凝血分析, 尿液, 血氣, 血小板聚集等  神經藥理:行為學, 炎癥疼痛, 腦立體定位, 微透析, 腦脊髓損傷, 腦切片磨具, Von Frey觸覺測量等  毒理設備:口鼻部給藥, 全身暴露給藥, 吸煙機, 氣溶膠發生, 肺功能研究, 呼吸代謝測量, 氣溶膠肺部定量給藥等  動物影像設備:micro-CT, X光機, B超, 視網膜成像等  其他設備:動物標記, 傷口縫合器, 箱, 鼠, , 等
鼠爪壓力測痛儀 產品信息

鼠爪壓力測痛(小鼠壓痛儀,壓力疼痛測試儀,Randall Selitto Paw Pressure Test Apparatus Mice and Rats(測量并記錄動物產生逃避反應時的瞬間壓力,以測定動物機械鈍痛的痛覺閾限,操作簡便,更多詳情敬請)





Once again it has benn designed a first in the pain testing research field, the very first digitally controlled paw pressure meter. The unit allows the user to attain data for analgesic drug testing via the Randall Selitto method.

This hand held instrument applies a force to the extremity of the test subjects. “Live” readings are provided of whatever force is applied at any moment with “Peak and Hold” showing the last maximum force applied during the test. Additional “Pressure Applicators” available.








 Part #



 Rat and mouse slings individual


 Rat sling suit, x-small 100-150 grams


 Rat sling suit, small 150-250 grams


 Rat sling suit, medium 250-350 grams


 Rat sling suit, large 350-500 grams


 Rat sling suit, x-large + 500 grams


 Mouse sling suit, small up to 25 grams


 Mouse sling suit, medium 25-30 grams



Recombinant human lactoferrin prevents NSAIDinduced intestinal bleeding in rodents

EJ Dial, AJ Dohrman, JJ Romero… - Journal of pharmacy , 2005 - Wiley Online Library

... two hours the rats were placed in a Randall-Sellito appa- ratus (IITC Inc., Woodland Hills, CA ...
indometacin (10mgkgà1) or RHLF plus indometacin and tested for sensitivity to pressure/pain
on ... P<0.05 vs saline control inflamed paw; #P<0.05 vs saline control non-inflamed paw...


[HTML] High-fat diet-induced neuropathy of prediabetes and obesity: effect of PMI-5011, an ethanolic extract of Artemisia dracunculus L.

P Watcho, R Stavniichuk, DM Ribnicky… - Mediators of , 2010 -

Hindawi Publishing Corporation... 2 Temperature Controller with RET-3 Temperature probe and
HL-1, Heat Lamp (Physitemp Instruments, Inc., Clifton, NJ ... A thermal stimulation meter (IITC model
336 TG Combination Tail Flick and Paw algesia meterIITC Life Science, Woodland ...


Investigation of the anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive effect of ellagic acid as measured by digital paw pressure via the Randall-Selitto meter in male Sprague-Dawley 

J Gainok, R Daniels, D Golembiowski… - AANA , 2011 -

... The Randall-Selitto IITC 2500 Digital Paw Pressure Meter (IITC Life Science Inc, Woodland Hills ...
A single rat paw was stimu- lated with the Randall-Selitto IITC 2500, and a reading ... Ketorolac
(Syntax Corporation, Palo Alto, California) is a nonselective COX inhibitor tbat has been ...


[HTML] Analgesic effects of an ethanol extract of the fruits of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich (Annonaceae) and the major constituent, xylopic acid in murine 

E Woode, EO Ameyaw, E Boakye-Gyasi… - Journal of pharmacy & , 2012 - europepmc.org

... stimulus was measured with the radiant heat source method using the IITC Analgesia Meter
(Model 336, IITC Life Science Inc., Woodland Hills ... paw pressure test, an inflammatory pain model,
widely used for quantification of thresholds of the rat hind paw withdrawal reflex to ...


[PDF] Characterization of a rat model of metastatic prostate cancer bone pain

PD De Ciantis, K Yashpal, J Henry, G Singh - J Pain Res, 2010 -

... An IITC Model 2500 RandallSelitto Paw Pressure Meter (IITC Life Science Inc ... were fixed to a
microtome (Reichert-Jung 2040 Microtome; Reichert Inc., Depew, NY ... for each sample were recon-
structed with Cobra_EXXIM software (Exxim Computing Corporation, Pleasanton, CA ...


Randall-Selitto test: a new approach for the detection of neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury

E Santos-Nogueira, E Redondo Castro… - Journal of , 2012 -

... by using the Randall-Selitto electronic algesimeter (IITC 2500 Digital Paw Pressure Meter, IITC
Life Science ... We therefore pooled right and left paw measurements to simplify statistical analyses. ...
The statistical software packages Statistica, v. 9 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OH) and SPSS v ...


Anti-hyperalgesic and anti-allodynic activities of capillarisin via suppression of inflammatory signaling in animal model

S Khan, O Shehzad, J Chun, RJ Choi, S Park… - Journal of , 2014 - Elsevier

... was evaluated at different time points (2, 4, and 6 h) using the Randall Selitto (Digital Paw
Pressure Randall Selitto Meter, IITC Life Science Inc). ... Briefly, paw skin tissues were removed
at the end of treatment, and total protein was extracted by using RIPA lysis buffer (Pierce ...


[HTML] The α7 nicotinic ACh receptor agonist compound B and positive allosteric modulator PNU120596 both alleviate inflammatory hyperalgesia and cytokine 

G Munro, RR Hansen, HK Erichsen… - British journal of , 2012 - Wiley Online Library

... Immediately afterwards, the rat was gently restrained by the investigator before the application
of progressively increasing mechanical pressure to the mid-hind paw region using an electronic
version of the Randall-Selitto device (IITC Life Science Inc., Woodland Hills ...


Peripheral Antinociception of a Chalcone, Flavokawin B and Possible Involvement of the Nitric Oxide/Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate/Potassium Channels 

MN Kamaldin, MN Akhtar, AS Mohamad, N Lajis… - Molecules, 2013 -

... Ltd., China) to ensure complete dissolution of the chemicals. ... the right hind paw of the rat. The
mechanical nociceptive threshold was measured using a digital Randall Selitto paw pressure
test apparatus (Model 2500IITC Life Science, Woodland Hills, CA, USA). ...


Phagocytic microglial phenotype induced by glibenclamide improves functional recovery but worsens hyperalgesia after spinal cord injury in adult rats

E RedondoCastroJ Hernández… - European Journal of , 2013 - Wiley Online Library

... 2013 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd... acclimated
to the belt compartment of a Digigait Imaging system (Mouse Specifics Inc., Boston, MA ... was
performed by means of a digital paw pressure meter device (IITC 2500IITC Life Science ...















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