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上海玉研科學儀器有限公司是一家專業為動物實驗、動物研究領域提供科學儀器和技術服務的公司。我們著力引進國外的*科學儀器和實踐經驗,選擇使用廣泛、應用成熟、性能*的實驗儀器和實驗方法,為國內實驗室建設、研究課題進展提供科學、合理的解決方案?! ∮裱袃x器專注于生理、藥理、毒力等動物實驗和研究的相關領域,為客戶提供動物檢驗、生理機能、呼吸血壓麻醉、行為學、肺功能研究等多方面的科學儀器產品和相關服務。我們已經與國際上眾多科學儀器研發機構建立了良好的合作渠道,并取得了多家廠商在中國的代理權,如:Vitalab、Pinnacle、Harvard、Starr Life、IITC、Stoelting、Union Biometrica、Stoelting等等。  玉研儀器致力于真誠為客戶帶來價值?! ∥覀兊淖谥迹嚎蛻舻目隙ㄊ俏覀兊某晒??! ∥覀兊姆绽砟睿洪_拓、創新、務實、服務,為客戶提供專業、優質的服務?! ∥覀兊钠髽I使命:為動物實驗基礎研究領域提供技術產品和專業服務,為祖國的科技進步和健康事業發展做出更大貢獻?!∮裱袃x器公司——專注于動物實驗設備的技術產品和專業服務  動物手術方案:, , , 監護儀, 動物保溫, 電凝, 手術器械, 縫合器, 快速消毒器等  生理指標檢測:血壓, 組織血流量檢測, 心電監護, 脈搏血氧, 呼吸監測, 心電遙測等  檢驗類儀器:血液分析, 生化檢驗, 凝血分析, 尿液, 血氣, 血小板聚集等  神經藥理:行為學, 炎癥疼痛, 腦立體定位, 微透析, 腦脊髓損傷, 腦切片磨具, Von Frey觸覺測量等  毒理設備:口鼻部給藥, 全身暴露給藥, 吸煙機, 氣溶膠發生, 肺功能研究, 呼吸代謝測量, 氣溶膠肺部定量給藥等  動物影像設備:micro-CT, X光機, B超, 視網膜成像等  其他設備:動物標記, 傷口縫合器, 箱, 鼠, , 等
雙足平衡測痛儀 產品信息

雙足平衡測痛儀(雙足平衡法測試,Incapacitance Analgesia Test)測試評估大鼠或小鼠后肢的痛覺和發炎,測量精準。


雙足平衡測試法(Incapacitance Analgesia Meter)可以自動并且是可重復的評估止痛效果。它可測量體重在小動物后肢分配情況,每個肢體對感應器施加的力量,在選定的時間周期內的平均值,可以表現受試對象從一邊到另一邊的抬起足部,因此可以提供量化的體重在后肢的平衡分配。




· 適用于大鼠、小鼠

· 采用精確的可編程數字控制
· 帶動物反應自動檢測功能
· 手動覆蓋所有計時器功能
· 數字式顯示
· 鍵盤輸入各種參數
· 配備腳踏開關
· 可選配軟件通過USB接口連接電腦(可選)


Evaluation of liposome-encapsulated butorphanol tartrate for alleviation of experimentally induced arthritic pain in green-cheeked conures (Pyrrhura molinae)

JR Paul-Murphy, LA Krugner-Higby… - American journal of …, 2009 - Am Vet Med Assoc

... f. Paralube, Fougera, Melville, NY. g. IITC model 600 incapacitance meterIITC Life
Science, Woodland, Calif. h. Canon Optura 40, Canon USA Inc, Lake Success, NY. i.
Windows Movie Maker, version 2.1, Microsoft Corp, Redmond, Wash. 


[HTML] Hyperalgesia, synovitis and multiple biomarkers of inflammation are suppressed by interleukin 1 inhibition in a novel animal model of gouty arthritis

R Torres, L MacDonald, SD Croll, J Reinhardt… - Annals of the …, 2009 -

... The results are presented as the percentage change from the baseline readings. To test
willingness to bear weight on injected ankles, the weightbearing test was performed using an
Incapacitance meter (model 600IITC Life Sciences, Woodland Hills, California, USA). ...


Analgesic effects of carprofen and liposome-encapsulated butorphanol tartrate in Hispaniolan parrots (Amazona ventralis) with experimentally induced arthritis

JR Paul-Murphy, KK Sladky… - American journal of …, 2009 - Am Vet Med Assoc

... d. Rimadyl injectable, 50 mg/mL, Pfizer Animal Health, Exton, Pa. e. IITC model 600 incapacitance meterIITC Life Science, Woodland, Calif. f. Canon Optura 40, Canon USA Inc, Lake Success, NY. g. Saint Louis Zoo Endocrinology Lab, Saint Louis Zoo, St Louis, Mo. ...


Analgesic effects of intramuscular administration of meloxicam in Hispaniolan parrots (Amazona ventralis) with experimentally induced arthritis

GA Cole, J Paul-Murphy… - American journal of …, 2009 - Am Vet Med Assoc

... d. 0.9% sodium chloride injection, USP, Hospira, Lake Forest, Ill. e. IITC Incapacitance Meter, model 600IITC Life Science, Woodland Hills, Calif. f. 24A-D Series parallel Shaft DC Gearmoter, model 0194, serial No. 0194JTE0015, Bodine Electric Co, Chicago, Ill. ...


[PDF] Kinematic and dynamic gait compensations resulting from knee instability in a rat model of osteoarthritis

KD Allen, BA Mata, MA Gabr, JL Huebner… - Arthritis Res …, 2012 -

... weight distribution was measured on an incapacitance meter (IITC, Inc., Woodland Hills, CA, USA), a behavioral analysis assay that measures weight bearing on the hindlimbs while the animal is in an induced rear- ing posture [10]. In brief, an incapacitance meter con- sists of ...


Single intrathecal administration of the transcription factor decoy AYX1 prevents acute and chronic pain after incisional, inflammatory, or neuropathic injury

J Mamet, M Klukinov, TL Yaksh, SA Malkmus… - PAIN®, 2014 - Elsevier

... In the SNI and the knee surgery models, incapacitance was measured as the difference in static weight bearing between the ipsilateral versus contralateral hind paw relative to the injury using an incapacitance meter (model 600IITC Life Science, Woodland Hills, CA). ...


[PDF] Efficacy of an equine joint supplement, and the synergistic effect of its active ingredients (chelated trace minerals and natural eggshell membrane), as 

KJ Wedekind, A Josie, J Zhao - 2015 -

... A Hamilton PB 600-1 repeating dispenser (model 750; Hamilton Company, Reno, NV, USA) with a 700 series luer tip microliter syringe was used for precise injection ... An incapacitance tester (IITC Life Science, Woodland Hills, CA, USA) was used to measure weight distribution. ...


[HTML] Behavioral, medical imaging and histopathological features of a new rat model of bone cancer pain

L Doré-Savard, V Otis, K Belleville, M Lemire… - PLoS One, 2010 - dx.plos.org

... Static weight bearing was measured using the Incapacitance Meter (IITC Life Science, Woodland Hills, CA, USA). ... The results obtained with the incapacitance meter were used as a control for a second ... A 600-µl bolus of contrast agent (Gd-DPTA, Magnevist, Berlex) was injected ...
















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