一、產品說明: 挺揚牌自力式流量調節閥是一種無需外加驅動能源,依靠被調介質自身的壓力為動力源及其介質壓力變化,按設定值,進行自動調節的節能型控制裝置。它集檢測、控制、執行諸多功能于一閥,自成一個獨立的儀表控制系統。 該產品由低流阻單座(套筒)閥體、壓力平衡件、指揮器及執行機構組成。是符合標準的新一代閥門產品,其特點有: 1、無需外加驅動能源的節能型自控系統,設備費用低,適用于爆炸性環境; 2、結構簡單,維護工作量小; 3、設定點可調且范圍寬,便于用戶在設定范圍內連續調整流量; 4、指揮操作型較直接作用型動態響應快,精度高,可調比大。 5、閥內采用壓力平衡機構,使調節閥反應靈敏、控制精確、允許壓差大。 該產品由于無需外來能源,產品結構簡單,使用方便,維護工作量少等優點,特別適用于城市供熱、供暖及無外界供電、供氣且又需控制液體及氣體流量的場合。如城市供暖站的流量控制、多用戶流量控制等。 1、無需外加驅動能源的節能型自控系統.設備費用低; 2、結構簡單.維護工作量小; 3、設定點可調且范圍寬.便于用戶在設定范圍內連續調整流量; 4、指揮操作型較直接作用型動態響應快。精度高,可調比大; 5、閥內采用壓力平衡機構,使調節閥反應靈敏、控制精確、允許壓差大。 流量調節閥:V130D05(硬密封) V131D05(軟密封) 二、挺揚牌自力式自控流量調節閥控制閥主要技術參數:
四、 性能指標:
訂貨須知: 一、①自力式自控流量調節閥產品名稱與型號②自力式自控流量調節閥口徑③自力式自控流量調節閥是否帶附件以便我們的為您正確選型。 二、若已經由設計單位選定挺揚公司的自力式自控流量調節閥型號,請按自力式自控流量調節閥型號直接向我司銷售部訂購。 三、當使用的場合非常重要或環境比較復雜時,請您盡量提供設計圖紙和詳細參數,由我們的挺揚閥門專家為您審核把關。 感謝您訪問我們的【】,如有任何疑問.您可以致電給我們,我們一定會盡心盡力為您提供優質的服務。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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為了適應市場需求,為用戶提供更加方便快捷的服務,公司在上海奉賢海灣工業園區成立, 并正在積極擴大我們的分銷網絡,公司本著“滿足客戶需求為已任”的經營思想,為客戶提供高品質的流體控制產品、技術和服務,解決流體控制領域的疑難問題。能提供各種壓力等級和口徑的控制閥以及根據用戶特殊要求定制的閥門,廣泛應用于油氣、化工和石化、電力、食品和造紙和冶金等行業的常規和關鍵部位。公司擁有專業和創新精神的銷售和技術人員,依托完善的ISO9001質量管理體系,為客戶提供專業化的各類服務和產品。
Shanghai TingYang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD. Is a Shanghai instrument group, is located in the beautiful enterprises directly under the international metropolis, Shanghai industrial zone, the gulf elegant environment, convenient transportation. Dedicated to the industrial process control valve of research and development, production, first-class technology promotion, instrument control automation engineering services and technical services of professional supplier. The company aims to be the domestic oil industry, chemical industry, electric power, metallurgy, natural gas and environmental protection engineering industry provide high-end regulator, the most cost-effective flow control solutions.
Shanghai's Yang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD. Is the holding company of Shanghai instrument group, is a set of product sales, logistics, warehousing at an organic whole, its to the project investment, industrial development, import and export trade-oriented integrated company. The company in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, India offices and for energy industry provide automation equipment manufacturing base.
In order to meet the market demand, for the user to provide a more convenient and fast service, the company in Shanghai fengxian gulf industrial park set up, and are actively expand our distribution network, the company in line with "meets the customer need to have any" business ideas, provides the high quality for the customer the fluid control products, technology and service, solve the difficult problem of fluid control field. Can provide all kinds of pressure levels and diameter and control valves according to user's special demand, the valve is widely used in oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, power, food and paper and metallurgy industries conventional and key parts. The company has professional and innovative spirit sales and technical personnel, and relying on the ISO9001 quality management system, to provide professional all kinds of services and products.
Shanghai's Yang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD, the professional technology for all kinds of the most complex and requirements of the most stringent fluid control needs to provide comprehensive solutions.
Shanghai's Yang automatic control valve manufacturing Co., LTD is specialized in the production and sales, including gate valve, cut-off valve, ball valves, butterfly valves, check valves, the regulator, hydraulic control valves, lining rubber lining valve, piston valve, traps and other kinds of valve products. (have anticorrosive series, automatic control series). The products are widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, papermaking, foodstuff, pharmacy, water supply and drainage engineering company. By various industries user's consistent high praise.
Automatic control valve is a Yang with abundant strength gradually occupied domestic valve market (especially environmental control valve market), the product sale network spreads all over the world.