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廣東榮昇環??萍加邢薰疚挥趶V東省東莞市萬江街道水蛇涌商業街35號,創建于2014年3月(公司前身為東莞旭日升環保設備廠,始建于2009年),注冊資金為1026萬元。 經營范圍為:脫硫、脫硝、除塵及其他環境污染防治設備的設計、制造、安裝;環保系統工程的設計、安裝及運營?,F已發展成為我國大氣污染防治領域集科研、生產、工程、運營于一體的高科技產業化環保企業。 公司多年來致力于工業煙氣污染治理新技術、新工藝的研究開發和國產化煙氣治理成套設備的推廣應用。企業注重發揮廣大科研人員的集體智慧,在設計理念、工藝技術、結構材料、施工安裝等關鍵技術方面均取得重大突破。在立足于自有多項國家基礎上成功地開發了雙堿法、鎂法、氨法、石灰石/石灰—石膏法、半干法脫硫等技術及脫硫除塵一體化技術設備和SCR脫硝技術、SNCR脫硝技術,脫硝一體機等確立了公司在大氣環保技術領域的地位。 公司成立多年以來,通過自身不懈地努力取得了長足發展,產品遍布全國大部分省市自治區,廣泛應用于電力、冶金、化工、有色、建材、造紙等行業。公司始終堅持“追求、精益求精、追求、永無止境”的經營理念。我們愿與新老客戶攜手共進、互利雙贏,共創碧水藍天,為我國環保事業發展及人類健康做出更大的貢獻。
石灰石-石膏法脫硫設備 產品信息


Limestone-gypsum method


一. 概述

Summary of a.


Limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization technology is currently the most widely used a desulfurization technology, the basic process is as follows:



Boiler flue gas after the electric dust, through the booster fan, GGH (optional) after cooling into the absorption tower. In the absorption tower flue gas flows up and is downward flow of slurry by countercurrent washing cycles. Circulating slurry is set up through the shotcrete layer of nozzle to the absorption tower, so that the removal of SO2, SO3, HCL and HF, and at the same time under the processing of "forced oxidation process" reaction by-products are imported air oxidation of gypsum (CaSO4 • 2 h2o), and consume as absorbent of limestone. Circulating slurry through the slurry circulating pump up to the spray layer, through the nozzle atomization, can be used to good contact with gas and liquid. Each pump is usually connected with their respective spray layer, the system usually adopt unit.




In the absorption tower, gypsum, limestone and so2 reacts this part of the gypsum slurry by gypsum slurry pump discharge, entering the gypsum dewatering system. Dehydration system mainly includes the gypsum hydrocyclone (as a level 1 dewatering equipment), the slurry distributor and vacuum belt dryer.

After purification treatment of flue gas flow through the two levels of demister mist, here will clean the slurry droplets carried by flue gas in the removal. At the same time, according to the specific program of demister with process water from time to time to wash. Demister irrigation has two purposes, one is to prevent the demister blocked, 2 it is to wash water as make-up water at the same time, the steady absorption tower level.



In the absorption tower export, flue gas is cooled to 46-55 ℃ or so commonly, and saturated by water vapor. Through the GGH heat of flue gas to 80 ℃ above, in order to improve the lifting height and diffusion ability of flue gas.



Finally, clean through stack into the chimney flue gas into the atmosphere.



Main advantage of gypsum method is: the applicable range, high desulfurization efficiency of coal, high utilization rate of absorbent, equipment operation rate, high reliability, high desulfurization agent, the limestone source is rich and cheap.


二. 工藝流程

2. Process


From the boiler or furnace flue gas after dust under the action of induced draft fan into the absorption tower, absorption tower for counter-current spray air tower structure, integrating absorption and oxidation function, upside is absorbing area, lower for the oxidation zone, after cleaning cycle of the gas and absorption tower in slurry reverse contact. System commonly 3-5 slurry circulating pump, each corresponding to a layer of circulation pump atomization spray layer. When only one unit operation or the load is small, can shut down the 1-2 spray layer, the system still keep high liquid gas ratio, which can achieve the required desulfurization effect. Absorption area upper secondary demister, demister, the free water in the outlet flue gas does not exceed 75 mg/Nm3. After absorbing SO2 slurry into the circulation oxidation zone, in cyclic oxidation zone, calcium sulfite oxidation by blowing air into gypsum crystals. At the same time, absorbed by the sorbent preparation system to supply fresh limestone slurry oxidation system, used to supplement the burn limestone, keep absorbing slurry pH value. Product size reaches a certain density to the by-product desulphurization system, forms through dehydration gypsum.




Process flow diagram


三. 技術特點

3. Technical characteristics


Wet desulphurization gypsum desulphurization is one of the most commonly used.

But the shortcoming of limestone/gypsum method is obvious: the high cost of initial investment, operating cost is high, covers an area of big, complex system management operation, wear corrosion phenomenon is relatively serious, by-product gypsum difficult to handle (as sales problems can only be stacked), wastewater more difficult.


 該技術與拋棄法的區別在于向吸收塔的漿液中鼓入空氣,強制使CaSO3都氧化為CaSO4(石膏),脫硫的副產品為石膏。同時鼓入空氣產生了更為均勻的漿液,易于達到90%的脫硫率,并且易于控制結垢與堵塞。由于石灰石價格便宜,并易于運輸與保存,因而自8 0年代以來石灰石已經成為石膏法的主要脫硫劑。當今國內外選擇火電廠煙氣脫硫設備時,石灰石/石膏強制氧化系統成為優先選擇的濕法煙氣脫硫工藝。


The technology and abandon the difference between the absorber slurry in the blowing air and force CaSO3 oxidation to CaSO4 (gypsum), a by-product of desulfurization gypsum. While blowing air produced more homogeneous slurry, easy to achieve 90% desulfurization efficiency, and easy to control fouling and plugging. Due to limestone is cheap and easy to transport and to save, so since 8 0 s limestone has become the main method of gypsum desulfurization agent. Today's choosing a coal-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization equipment at home and abroad, the limestone/gypsum forced oxidation system become wet flue gas desulfurization technology of choice.



Using limestone/lime as desulfurization absorbent, lime writing broken ground into powder mixed with water to form a absorption of serous, when using lime as absorbent, lime powder after digestion treatment made absorber slurry water. Within the absorption tower, absorption of touch the mixed slurry and flue gas, sulphur dioxide in flue gas with the calcium carbonate in the slurry and the oxidation of blowing air for chemical reaction to be removal, the final reaction products of gypsum.







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