過往超大吊扇的安裝使用經驗證明,絕大多數的安全事故是葉片墜落, 而葉片墜落多是由于葉片與輪轂連接部位的斷裂所致。也就是涉及第三環鏈的安全設計。
安全防墜裝置 / Anti-falling device
安全裝置描述 Description on Anti-Falling Device | 恒通系列 HT Series | 恒坤系列 HK Series | 恒韻系列 HY Series | 恒行系列 HX Series | |
A | 額外的鋼絲繩纏繞,將機架與屋面結構連接在一起 Extra steel rope wrapping between I beam and the motor frame | ■ | ■ | ■ | ■ |
B | 4根穩固鋼絲繩既減小風扇晃動,又將機架與屋面結構連接到一起, 4 stabilization ropes connect the frame and ceiling | ■ | ■ | ■ | ■ |
C | 階梯型傳動鍵與軸套緊固螺母配合,杜絕輪轂與葉片的墜落 the combination of the step driving key with a nut on the shaft sleeve prevent falling of the hub in any case | ■ | ■ | ■ | |
D | 防墜鉤(4個)在萬一葉片及輪轂墜落時,將輪轂/葉片掛住 4 anti-falling hooks to hold the hub in case of the hub falling down | ■ | ■ | ||
E | 輪轂外沿4組滑孔內的不規則形狀滑塊,限制葉片上翹范圍 The sliders inserted in the cylinders to limit the range of up & down of the blades | ■ | ■ | ■ | |
F | 上述滑塊外襯的橡膠套吸收葉片遭遇外力撞擊時的能量,緩解沖擊 The rubber cushions coated on the sliders can absorb the vibration energy | ■ | ■ | ■ | |
G | 葉柄與滑塊的凹凸設計形成自鎖效應,確保葉柄不會脫離滑塊而墜落 The blade handle and the slider are fastened in a self-lock way | ■ | ■ | ■ |