Forane® 365mfc Forane® 365mfc, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane is a liquid, SNAP approved HFC solvent available for use as component in solvent blends to replace HCFC-141b in precision cleaning, electronics cleaning, and carrier applications. Advantages of using HFC-365mfc: • Compatible with most metals, plastics, and elastomers • Good co-solvent • EPA SNAP approved for solvent use • Low toxicity • Environmental profile: non-VOC, zero ODP, low GWP • Low cost relative to other commercially available alternatives Applications · Carrier applications · Electronics cleaning · Precision cleaning Forane HFC-365mfc, 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane is a liquid, SNAP approved HFC solvents available through Arkema for use as components in solvent blends to replace HCFC-141b in precision cleaning, electronics cleaning, and carrier applications. Advantages of using Forane HFC-365mfc: • Good co-solvent Physical Properties of Forane® HFC-365mfc (72K PDF) Plastics & Elastomers Compatibility (88K PDF) Impact on Environment Compared to HCFC-141b, Forane HFC-365mfc is more environmentally friendly. The following table compares the Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP) of HCFC-141b and HFC-365mfc. HCFH-141b HFC-365mfc Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) 0.11 0 Global Warming Potential (GWP) 630 910 * The individual components, HFC-365mfc and HFC-4310mee, have a GWP of 910 and 1300 respectively. Forane HFC-365mfc has low toxicity and is not listed as Volatile Compounds (VOCs). It has been specifically exempted by the EPA from VOC Regulations because of its negligible photochemical reactivity. Forane HFC-365mfc is listed on the TSCA inventory. HFC-4310mee (1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-Decafluoropentane, CAS# 138495-42-8) is controlled by TSCA, Section 5, Significant New Use Rule (SNUR; 40 CFR 721.5645). The approved uses are: Precision and general cleaning, carrier fluid, displacement drying, printed circuit board cleaning, particulate removal and film cleaning, process medium, heat transfer fluid (dielectric and non-dielectric), and test fluid. Processors and users of this substance must also comply with the applicable general SNUR requirements set forth in 40 CFR 721 subpart A, including export notification requirements if applicable (40 CFR 721.20), and the applicable record keeping requirements set forth at 40 CFR 721.125.
• EPA SNAP approved for solvent use
• Low toxicity
• Environmental Profile: Non-VOC, Zero ODP, Low GWP
• Low cost relative to other commercially available solvent alternatives
(Time Horizon - 100 years)
上海銳一公司專業從事ODS(臭氧破壞物質)替代, 致力於氟利昂系列產品的替代技術服務及銷售。致力于環??萍际聵I。我們以科技為先導,集各家所長,打造自已的形象,以實實在在的產品,樸實無華的商業風格,立足于當今強手之林。公司堅持以“科技求發展”的企業宗旨,隨著我國現代化經濟的飛速發展,公司積極發揮自身優勢,致力于科技創新,各類不同的精密清洗劑應用于印刷線路板清洗、金屬及其零部件清洗、液晶顯示器清洗、精密清洗(包括電子器件、光學部件、設備器件、醫用器械零部件、塑料件等),用于去除油脂、臘、松香助焊劑、指紋汗漬、顆粒等諸多領域...
Forane HFC365清洗劑 產品信息