HFE-7100是一種無色澄清,無色無味的液體物質,其中甲氧基-九氟代丁烷(C4F9OCH3)含量為99.5%,非揮發組分小于2.0pmm,專門用以替代氟利昂等“臭氧層破壞性”物質。該產品在新型的的氟氯化碳取代物產品家族中毒性低,以8小時平均工作時間計,它的時間加權平均限制濃度750ppm。主要應用于精密電子儀器、醫療設備的清洗保清洗劑、溶劑,用于取代CFC-113、三氯乙烷、等。 表面張力/粘度が低い。 適度な溶解力を持っている。 熱的?化學的安定性が高く過酸化物を形成しない。 実用上無毒/ 引火點が無い。 オゾン破壊係數がゼロ。 地球溫暖化係數が低い。 各種部材との適合性に優れる。 Material Description材料描述 HFE-7100 九氟丁基甲醚Methoxy-nonafluorobutane 大于99.5% 外觀Appearance 無色透明 非揮發性物質Non-volatile residue (NVR) 小于2.0 ppm Typical Physical Properties Table 1物理化學性質 HFE-7100 CFC-113 HCFC-141B HCFC-225ca/cb1 HFC-4310mee 化學式 C4F9OCH3 C2Cl3F3 C2Cl2H3F C3Cl2HF5 C5H2F10 分子量 250 187 117 203 252 沸點℃ 61 48 32 54 54 冰點℃ ﹣135 ﹣35 ﹣103 ﹣131 ﹣80 液體密度2 1.52 1.56 1.23 1.55 1.58 表面張力 13.6 17.3 19.3 16.2 14.1 水中溶解性3 12 170 210 330 140 溶水能力3 95 110 420 310 490 蒸汽壓4 202 334 569 290 226 1- g/ml @ 25°C 2-dynes/cm @ 25°C 3-ppm by weight 4-mm Hg @ 25°C Environmental and Safety Properties and Exposure Guidelines – Table 2 環境、安全性質及暴露極限 HFE-7100 CFC-113 HCFC-141B HCFC-225ca/cb1 HFC-4310mee 臭氧破壞潛值ODP 0 0.8 0.10 0.03 0.00 溫室效應潛值 320 6000 700 180/620 1700 大氣中壽命/年 4.1 85 9.2 2.1/6.2 17.1 閃點 無 無 無 無 無 空氣中可燃范圍 無 無 7.6-17.7 無 無 安全暴露極限,ppm(平均8小時/天 750 1000 ??????? 500 50 200 Acute Toxicity急性毒性(4 hr. LC50 [Rat]) 大于100000 55000 62000 37000 11000 Materials Compatibility材料相容性 HFE-7100 技術支持文件下載
3M Novec HFE-7100 Engineered Fluid, methoxy-nonafluorobutane (C4F9OCH3), is a clear,colorless and low-odor fluid intended to replace ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and compounds with high global warming potential (GWP) in many applications. Its physical properties are compared with several other ODS replacement fluid candidates.
This proprietary fluid has zero ozone depletion potential and other favorable environment properties. It has one of the best toxicological profiles of CFC replacement materials, with a time-weighted average exposure guideline of 750 ppm (eight hour average).
The high boiling point and low surface tension of Novec 7100 fluid make it ideal for use in vapor degreasing applications as a neat (pure), azeotropic component or co-solvent part cleaner. In addition, its chemical and thermal stability, non-flammability and low toxicity make it useful for many other industrial and specialty solvent applications (see below).
※Cleaning and rinsing agent清洗劑或者漂洗溶劑
Heavy-duty cleaning (co-solvent) –
heavy oils, greases, fluxes
Medium-duty cleaning (azeotrope)–
oils, greases, waxes
Light-duty cleaning (neat)–
particulates, fluorolubes, light oils,
※Lubricant carrier潤滑油稀釋劑
※Spot-free water drying agent脫水劑
(with surfactants added)
※Specialty solvents, dispersion media,
reaction media
※Spray contact cleaner噴霧罐的推進劑
※CFC, HCFC, HFC and PFC replacement替代CFC, HCFC, HFC and PFC
※Dielectric test media絕緣測試媒介
※Heat transfer導熱液
CFC-11 = 1.0
Continuous Exposure長時間材料相容性
Novec 7100 fluid is compatible with most metals and hard polymers. Soft and elastomeric
materials should be limited to compounds that contain the least amount of extractable
Non-Continuous Exposure非持續性或者短時間材料相容
Short-term testing of Novec 7100 fluid demonstrates compatibility, after one hour exposure at
boiling temperature, with a wide range of metals, plastics and elastomers, similar to the performance of perfluorinated liquids. Good short-term compatibility with particularly sensitive
plastics such as polycarbonate and PMMA indicates utility in cleaning of assemblies containing
many composite materials. As with most fluorinated liquids, Novec 7100 fluid will absorb into fluorinated plastics and elastomers over longer exposures.
上海銳一公司專業從事ODS(臭氧破壞物質)替代, 致力於氟利昂系列產品的替代技術服務及銷售。致力于環保科技事業。我們以科技為先導,集各家所長,打造自已的形象,以實實在在的產品,樸實無華的商業風格,立足于當今強手之林。公司堅持以“科技求發展”的企業宗旨,隨著我國現代化經濟的飛速發展,公司積極發揮自身優勢,致力于科技創新,各類不同的精密清洗劑應用于印刷線路板清洗、金屬及其零部件清洗、液晶顯示器清洗、精密清洗(包括電子器件、光學部件、設備器件、醫用器械零部件、塑料件等),用于去除油脂、臘、松香助焊劑、指紋汗漬、顆粒等諸多領域...
3M HFE7100清洗劑 產品信息