Omega歐米茄 CL514-PLUS 自動通用RTD校準器
SPECIFICATIONS (Unless otherwise indicated all specifications are rated from a nominal 23°C, 70% RH)
Accuracy: ±(0.025% of Reading + 0.05 Ω)
Temperature Drift: ±0.01% of span outside of 23°C ±10°C (73°C ±18°F)
Operating Temperature Range: -25 to 60°C (-10 to 140°F)
Relative Humidity Range: 10% ≤RH ≤90% (0 to 35°C), non-condensing 10% ≤RH ≤70% (35 to 60°C), non-condensing
Dimensions: 143 L x 76.2 W x 40.64 mm H (5.63 x 3.00 x 1.60")
Weight: 12.1 oz (including boot and batteries)
Batteries: 4 "AA" Alkaline 1.5V (included)
Battery Life: 50 Hours
Low Battery: Low battery indication with nominal 1 hour of operation left
Protection Against Misconnection: Over-voltage protection to 60 V dc (rated for 30 seconds)
Display: High contrast graphic liquid crystal display. LED backlighting for use in low lit areas.
Excitation Current: 0.5 mA nominal
Normal Mode Rejection: 50/60 Hz, 50 dB
Common Mode Rejection: 50/60 Hz, 120 dB
Accuracy From 1 to 10.2 mA External Excitation Current: ±(0.025% of Reading + 0.05 Ω) Below 1 mA of External Excitation
Current: ±(0.025% of Reading + 0.025 mV/ mA Excitation Current + 0.05 Ω)
Resistance Ranges: 0.00 to 410.00, 410.1 to 2001.0 Ω Allowable Excitation Current Range:
<410 Ω: 10.2 mA max; steady or pulsed/intermittent
410 to 2001 Ω: 1 mA max; steady or pulsed/intermittent Pulsed Excitation Current
Compatibility: DC to 0.01 second pulse width